‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات طبيب المجله. إظهار كافة الرسائل
‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات طبيب المجله. إظهار كافة الرسائل

الثلاثاء، 17 مايو 2016

هذا هو الماسك الطبيعي لحماية الوجه من اشعة الشمش الحارقه - فيديو

فيديو في دقيقتين للدكتور سعيد حساسين يبين لنا الماسك الطبيعي لحماية الوجه من اشعة الشمس

الطريقة :
 1- قبل النوم اخلطي ملعقة زبادي وملعقة عسل النحل او ملعقتين زبادي وملعقتين عسل النحل وضعيهم على وجهك لأن هذا الماسك هو الذي سيغذي البشره ويجعلها تستحمل اشعة الشمس
2- قبل ما تخرجي من البيت اخلطي ملعقة زيت لوز حلو وملعقة زيت لوز مر وادهني بهم وجهك لأن هذا سيعمل حاجزا بين اشعة الشمس والوجه
شاهدي الطريقة بالفيدو :

السبت، 23 أبريل 2016

هل مزيل العرق خطير أم آمن ؟

خطورة مزيل العرق

مجلة اسرار المرأة

هل مزيل العرق خطير أم آمن ؟

التعرق عملية طبيعية ومفيدة للجسم ، إلا أن رائحة العرق محرجة للكثير ، ولتجنب هذه الرائحة يلجأ الكثيرون لاستخدام مزيلات العرق ، فهل هذه المزيلات آمنة أم غير آمنة ؟
هناك نوعان من مزيلات العرق أحدهما آمن والآخر غير آمن .
1- النوع الآمن : هو مزيل العرق الذي يتعامل مع رائحة العرق عن طريق قتل البكتيريا المسببة لرائحة العرق .
2- النوع غير الآمن : وهو الذي يعمل على إغلاق مسام الجلد وتقليل التعرق من خلال احتوائه على  أملاح الألمنيوم  ( Antiprepirant ) .
لذلك ينصح البروفيسور أندرياس لوش بتجنب استخدام مزيلات العرق التي تحوي أملاح الألمنيوم يوميا .
كما أن بعض النظريات تقول إن أملاح الألمنيوم تساعد على نمو أنسجة سرطان الثدي والإصابة بالزهايمر (ولم يتم تأكيد ذلك ) .
وهناك طرق طبيعية وآمنة لعمل مزيل عرق طبيعي منها : خلط كمية من صودا الخبز مع قليل من الماء - دون إذابة الصودا - ثم فركه تحت الإبط .

الجمعة، 22 أبريل 2016

الطرق الطبيعية لزيادة حليب الأم المرضع

زيادة حليب الأم المرضع

مجلة اسرار المرأة

الطرق الطبيعية لزيادة حليب الأم المرضع 

تعاني بعض الأمهات من نقص حليب الثدي وربما اختفائه ، فما هي الطرق التي تساعدها على تجاوز هذه المشكلة ؟
1- ضرورة أن يكون عند الأم رغبة في الرضاعة .                                  
2- الراحة النفسية والعطف على الطفل ، وتخصيص وقت كاف لرضاعة الطفل .
3- الرضاعة المنتظمة من كلا الثديين بالتناوب .
4- وضع الطفل بطريقة مناسبة ومريحة على الثدي .
5- الابتعاد عن الرضاعة الاصطناعية .
6- عدم استخدام اللهاية .
7- إرضاع الطفل كلما طلب ذلك .
8- الإكثار من الإرضاع والحرص على إفراغ الثدي من الحليب حتى يستمر الجسم بإنتاج حليب جديد .
9- الغذاء المتوازن ( خضروات ، فواكه ، لحوم ، بقوليات ، ألبان ، مكسرات ،  .... )
10- شرب الماء والعصائر الطبيعية .
11- تناول الحلبة ، والكراويا ، والشومر ، والينسون ، والسمسم ، والقرفة ، والكمون ، (علما بإن جميع هذه الحبوب توجد بالصيدليات على شكل كبسولات أو أقراص ) .
12- التقليل من شرب الشاي والقهوه والمشروبات الغازية والموالح والميرامية .
13- تجنب التدخين .
14- تجنب حبوب منع الحمل .
15- تجنب الأدوية المخففة للاحتقان .
16- تدفئة الثديين .

الاثنين، 13 أكتوبر 2014

foods cause damage to fertility and intimacy

There are foods and food that we eat constantly without knowing the severity of the damage caused by marital life, and especially intimacy, so you should avoid it:

- Fast Food Food and saturated fats and vegetable oils harmful, leading to low testosterone in men, and reduces the ability to produce sperm. - Corn flakes (cornflakes), although its taste delicious, but they have a negative effect on sexual desire, not Tkdmiha in a romantic bed and breakfast for your husband, it's Annsahk.
- Mint syrup has many health benefits for the digestive system, and to maintain calm and the body's immunity, but it goes (Mounthol), which eliminates the libido. - A refreshing cup of coffee in the morning, and you will begin to help you on your day with vigor and vitality, but excessive drinking it causes stress and excessive movement, which negatively affects during intimacy.
- Soft drinks, which is rich in sugar and harmful substances Tardkma for many of the most important health problems of obesity and tooth decay, and lead to decreased libido and apathy in intimacy. - Artificial sweeteners, which contain a substance (aspartame) destroys the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for controlling mood and libido.

- Also avoid eating these foods before intimacy:

Soybean, which is a healthy alternative to meat, but it consists of a substance (Viuestrunr) competition for the male sex hormone, and lead to fertility problems. Also fried potato chips are prepared snacks to high temperatures, causing tissue damage and the body's cells, and thus hurt your health


الاثنين، 13 يناير 2014

Treatment and prevention of diabetic foot complications

Like other complications of diabetes , the diabetic foot does not appear suddenly , but through the course of continuous , characterized by many pre -marked , but the vigilance of the patient and her crew therapeutic prevent complications and slow the pace of progress .


In order to prevent foot injury sugary , it is important to persevere on the following matters :

    Maintain the balance of sugar and fat levels in the blood, and maintain the balance of blood pressure , if the patient is suffering from high blood pressure ( hypertension - Hypertension).
    Attention must be paid Pantaal comfortable shoes ( including running shoes for medical Orthopaedic Foot ) .
    Aerobic exercise on a regular basis .
    Quit smoking .

In addition to these general recommendations , is a self- examination and treatment for the feet of the foundation stone in the prevention of complications of diabetic foot infection . We divide the recommendations into those that must be carried out and the other is supposed to refrain from it :

Things that must be done to prevent the infection of diabetic foot complications :

1 . In an examination of the feet , including testing the sense pedicures , with a doctor at a clinic diabetes , once at least every year , even in the absence of any signs or symptoms .

2 . Maintaining the cleanliness of the feet , by washing them on a daily basis , and attendance dry up after washing (especially between fingers ) for the prevention of infection ( especially fungal infection ) .

3 . Examination of the feet on a daily basis ( for example , before going to sleep ) . If necessary, you can use Bzojkm / Zojtkm : you have to look for signs of the presence of dry skin , blisters , cracks , ingrown nail , mycosis ( in the skin or nails ) , deformities or any change in the shape of the foot . If you find one of these signs , you should immediately go to see the doctor .

4 . And Azbwa on Antal Shoes comfortable , convenient and customized for diabetics , so that it is suitable for shoe size Kdmkm and not too tight , so that equal pressure between that runs on the palm of the foot during walking and standing , comfortably. Should be adjusted at the end of the shoe the same day, when standing , as it would then be larger foot . Must be a shoe length and shape of large enough so that there is room for the toes , as it should be appropriate to the depth of the shoe size of the foot. Eventually, people with diabetes should Antal Shoes spacious and comfortable .

5 . Should be examining the shoes of extrusion or before Antaalha purposes (to prevent injury as a result of the presence of foreign objects inside the shoe ) .

6 . Preferred to use cotton socks , which do not contain the stitches or protrusions .

7 . Attendance on the examination and treatment of ulcers on the hands of a specialist diabetic foot care , and who have been trained and qualified medically to treat diabetic foot .

8 . Search the temperature of the water when bathing , by the elbow and not by foot, Kdmikm Protect from exposure to extreme heat or cold .

9 . Used oil or moisturizers to keep your feet and prevent moisture Thqgahma .
10 . Cut toenails must be carefully and regularly.

الأحد، 12 يناير 2014

Liver cancer, and I hope a great recovery

Liver Cancer

 Liver disease appear surreptitiously to the human body without having a noticeable symptoms in the beginning, has exacerbated these diseases and take a tragic path is the liver cancer that often leads to death. But if the liver cancer was detected early and was cured in a timely manner , it can be cured in many cases .Definition 

Tumors in the liver are usually of two types:

1 . Benign tumors such as liver parenchyma (Hemangioma)2 . Malignancy and also divided into two types:
- The first is the primary tumors arising in the liver ( liver cancer ) , which starts any formation in the liver and then spread outside the
- Secondary tumors , or the so-called Aydasrtan liver cells is the most common type of liver cancer prevalent is responsible for 90 per cent of cases of primary liver tumors malignant in adults , and are often the result of the evolution of the condition is not good because the symptoms do not usually appear only in the late stages of it . Liver cancer is the third leading causes of death due to cancer in the world , which is the sixth most common types of cancers . Although the overall percentage for the emergence of a number of cases and deaths are decreasing in the United States , but it is growing in the rest of the world. The current ratio of up to stay for a period of up to 5 years for the types of liver cancer, non- eradication : 8.6 % Europe 0.11 % in America and 10% in Asia .
Srtanihthanuyat liver injuries which tumors that arise elsewhere in the body and reach the liver, either by blood or lymph vessels .
Symptoms of liver cancer :
Weight loss ( for no apparent reason and without trying to lose weight ) , loss of appetite constant feeling of fullness after eaters simple , the presence of a solid mass in the right side of the abdomen bottom of the ribs , the pain about the greatness of the scapula right , the advent of color greenish yellow on the skin and eyes ( jaundice yellow) , a sense of discomfort on the right side of the abdomen , nausea, unusual fatigue .Risk Factors- Chronic inflammation of the liver as a result of infection with « b » and / or « C » with the presence of cirrhosis of the liver .- Fibrosis ( which means the destruction of the natural composition of the liver and then re- DO in the form of nodal clusters , due to fibrosis caused by many conditions , such as chronic alcoholism ) .- Obesity ( such as the deposition of fat in the liver and hepatitis Allakhola Allakhola resulting from fat ) .- Diabetes- The length of time of exposure to natural toxins ( such as that produced by many types of fungi that may be found in nuts, groundnuts and other types of oilseeds )- Smoking tobacco- The length of the period of use of anabolic steroids . In some places of the world where there is water contaminated with arsenic
Treatment Options
Treatment options for liver cancer depend on the stage of the disease , and liver function , and general condition of the patient. The surgery is the only hope for the treatment of patients with cancer of the liver cells . If the cancer is detected at an early stage and the rest of the intact liver , surgery can ( with a liver transplant or without him ) to become definitive . However, the proportion of cases potentially eradicate only 15% . There are four types of conventional treatments used in the treatment of liver cancer are: surgery, radiation therapy , cancer treatment drugs , and ethanol injection through the skin .
Types of surgery include the following :Cryosurgery or cryotherapy and it uses a special instrument to freeze and destroy the cancer cells .Remove a portion of the liver : where is the eradication of the infected part of cancer in the liver eradicate all of the liver and liver transplant a new sound from a donor eradication by sound frequencies and which is used as a probe by the electrode to target cancer cells and kill radiotherapy using X-ray high-energy , or any other types of radiation . Include the following:External radiation : The device is given by the area under the direction of radiation to cancer cells.Internal radiation : it is directing radiation to the place of cancer by injection or catheter.Using antibodies loaded with radioactive : and it is loaded antibodies that target cancer cells and then injected radioactive material in the body.Chemotherapy or local public and can be given by mouth or by injection .A chemical injection directly into a vein supplying the tumor to cause a clot chemicals , are injected at the same time Cilth other material inside the artery supplying the liver tumor in the area .Injection of ethanol directly into the tumor to kill cancer cells by using a fine needle .New research shows the efficiency of targeted therapy in patients with cancer of the liver cells . Has finally been approval of the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of cancer by the liver cells , taken by mouth , and discouraged many of Elkinizzat , and is the only one that showed a clear improvement in the survival