【征集全球联署】就江天勇失踪事件致郭声琨部长的公开信 #Collecting Signatures for Lawyer Jiang Tianyong
江天勇律师遭遇强迫失踪的每一分钟对他和家人都是 酷刑!
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Please sign and share! Every minute of Jiang Tianyong’s enforced disappearance is torture to his family! We need to collect 10,000 signatures and send them to Ministry of Public Security of China ASAP!!
【How to sign】
-Online: https://goo.gl/forms/7YABi89IXdmr6qLV2
-Email: send an email with the following information to  jianglvshilianshu@gmail.com : 'your name',' your location' , 'your profession'  and 'your contact information'(optional)



Open Letter to Minister Guo Shengkun Regarding the Disappearance of Jiang Tianyong

To Guo Shengkun, Minister of Public Security of China,

We the undersigned are lawyer Jiang Tianyong’s relatives and friends and concerned individuals. After Jiang Tianyong disappeared on November 21, 2016, his family have appointed a lawyer to file a police report in Beijing, but the police station failed to handle and investigate the case according to law. Instead, the police refused to take up the case and deliberately created difficulties for the lawyer, saying, among other things, the family lacked proof of relationship and that they should go retrieve CCTV footage in Changsha on their own.

On the sixth day of Jiang Tianyong’s disappearance, scores of fellow lawyers and four July-9 family members have issued a statement expressing concerns about lawyer Jiang’s disappearance and providing their support. To date, aside from police and judicial authorities from various localities expressing their “concerns” about the concerns of these lawyers, there has been no information whatsoever about Jiang Tianyong.

Although two weeks have passed, the Beijing police continue to refuse to conduct a prompt and effective investigation into Jiang Tianyong’s disappearance. The police have also failed to disclose details regarding the disappearance and any responsible departments.

Since Jiang Tianyong became a lawyer, he has been actively working on the frontline to defend human rights, taking up and participating in many public interest cases and legal actions, which has resulted in his license being revoked. In light of Jiang Tianyong’s past work, the perennial surveillance he has been subjected to and the many bouts of beating and torture he has suffered, we firmly believe lawyer Jiang has disappeared into the custody of the public security apparatus. We have also received information regarding the alleged torture of such victims of the July 9 crackdown as lawyers Xie Yang and Zhang Kai, which adds to our concern about Jiang Tianyong’s well-being.

In order to alleviate suspicions and concerns among family members and the general public as soon as possible, and on the occasion of the National Constitution Day, we urge you, Minister Guo, to instruct relevant departments to:

Immediately investigate Jiang Tianyong’s whereabouts and disclose the results to his family. If he was forcibly disappeared, the responsible law enforcement officers must be held accountable under the law;
Promptly inform Jiang Tianyong’s family and ensure his right to legal counsel if relevant departments have subjected him to compulsory measure or residential surveillance at a designated location;
Protect Jiang’s right to freedom from torture and unhindered access to medical care in accordance with Chinese laws and the Convention Against Torture;
Immediately put an end to the police practice of enforced disappearance targeting human rights defenders, so as to avoid further damaging the global and domestic reputation of the police authorities;
Immediately put an end to the widespread abuse of the measure of  “residential surveillance at a designated location” against persons of conscience.

Initiated by:
Jin Bianling (wife of Jiang Tianyong)
Chen Guangcheng
Teng Biao
Su Yutong
December 4, 2016


- 【失踪前夕】2016年11月17日,江天勇律师前往湖南长沙看望709案件被捕律师谢阳的太太陈桂秋,期间他陪同陈桂秋及谢阳的辩护律师张重实、蔺其磊及律师同仁马连顺到长沙看守所了解谢阳的会见事宜。

- 【失踪】2016年11月21日22点22分,江天勇发信息告诉朋友已购买D940火车票回京,发车时间22点53分,正点应于次日6点30分抵京,此后便失去联系。

- 【到户籍地派出所报案】2016年11月23日下午,其妻子金变玲委托姐姐去江天勇户籍所在地的 #郑州市公安局桐柏路分局 的治安大队报失踪,但遭拒绝,郑州公安指要去北京报案。接处警登记表登记后说这个案件情况特殊,不提供复印件。

- 【申请调取长沙南站监控】2016年11月24日,有律师和朋友去 #长沙铁路局 调取监控录像,后交涉无果。

- 【到北京西站派出所报案】2016年11月25日,江天勇的父亲委托陈进学律师前往 #北京西站派出所 报人口失踪,北京西站派出所刑侦队的杜军警官(012399)向律师提出,必须要提交 #父子关系证明 才能调阅录像。

- 【申请调取北京西站监控】2016年11月29日,陈进学与宋玉生律师携带江天勇父亲当地开具的父子关系证明再次到北京西站派出所要求调取监控录像,警察杜军称村委会开的父子关系证明证明力不够,一定要户籍所在地派出所出具证明;同时推诿要律师去长沙南站开具江天勇是否已上G940车的证明。

- 【就北京西站派出所不作为提起复议】2016年12月1日,江天勇的父亲向北京铁路公安局北京公安处提起行政复议,要求:1.确认北京西站派出所的行为违法;2.责令北京西站派出所履行法定职责,对江天勇失踪事件展开调查。

- 【向国家铁路局申请公开江的行踪】2016年12月9日,覃臣寿律师向国家铁路局申请信息公开:江天勇11月21日是否从长沙南站搭乘D940到达北京

- 【长沙南站派出所:江曾被行政拘留9日】2016年12月13日,覃臣寿律师去长沙南站派出所 寻人。车站派出所人员表示,江天勇因用他人身份证购票二十几张,被行政拘留九天,人早已释放,但拒绝出示处罚决定。

- 【向长沙公安处、广州铁路公安局申请信息公开:江是否被采取刑事强制措施】2016年 12月15日,覃臣寿律师向广州铁路公安局长沙公安处及广州铁路公安局(抄送中国公安部)申请政府信息公开,要求公开:1. 其所谓江天勇11月21日遭拘留时,执法记录仪所拍摄视频;2. 所有笔录及同步录音录像;3. 在拘留所中监控录像;4.所有案卷资料;5.扣押物品清单;6.案件主办单位、协助单位、参与部门;7. 所有换押程序性法律文书;8.是否遭刑事强制措施。2016年12月16日,长沙公安处拒不接收信息公开申请书邮件。

- 【向长沙公安处索要书面拘留通知遭拒】2016年12月15日下午,覃臣寿律师与江天勇父亲到长沙公安处寻找江天勇,该公安处还是没有给任何书面材料包括拘留通知给家属,只是口头告知。覃臣寿律师与江天勇父亲极度怀疑其说法,要求提供书面材料以供核实,被拒绝后双方提前结束谈话。期间覃臣寿律师将写有江天勇父亲作为申请人的信息公开申请当面提交,工作人员试图口头答复了事,律师明确拒绝其没有告知真实姓名职务无资格状态的非法答复,要求依法限期书面答复。

- 【江及其弟弟的住所被北京公安查抄】2016年 12月15日,江天勇妻子金变玲发表声明,称经多方核实北京市公安局于2016年12月4日强行撬锁查抄 江天勇及其弟弟的住所。

- 【户籍地派出所:案件还没有结果 】2016年12月16日,马连顺律师和闫崇民 (郑州十君子之一、中国拆迁法律普及维权者贾灵敏的丈夫)陪同金荣(江天勇妻子的姐姐)共同到桐柏路派出所,要求对11月23日报失踪的情况给予答复。结果是没有任何结果,说是有结果就会通知报案人。后来问的问题较多,派出所工作人员说找当天值班的人吧,他们今天不在所里。

【Annex 1】Timeline of Jiang Tianyong’s enforced disappearance (up to December 16)
🔸December 17, 2016, lawyer Jiang Tianyong went to Changsha, Hunan province to visit Chen Guiqiu, the wife of lawyer Xie Yang who was among those arrested in the July 9 crackdown. He accompanied Chen Guiqiu and Xie Yang’s defense lawyers Zhang Chongshi and Lin Qilei, as well as fellow lawyer Ma Lianshun, to the Changsha Detention Center to inquire about matters related to meeting Xie Yang. At 22:22 on November 21, Jiang Tianyong messaged his friends telling them he bought ticket for train D940 to return to Beijing, which is scheduled to depart at 22:53 and arrive in Beijing at 6:30 the next morning. He was incommunicado after that.
🔸In the afternoon of November 23, his wife Jin Bianling asked her older sister to report Jiang Tianyong’s disappearance to the police at the Tongbo Street Branch of the Public Security Bureau of Zhengzhou City, where Jiang’s household registration is located. However, the Zhengzhou police refused and asked her to report it to the Beijing police instead. After registering the report, the police receptionist said this case is special so no copy of the registration can be provided.
🔸On November 24, some lawyers and friends went to the Changsha Railway Department to retrieve CCTV footage but failed to do so after some negotiations.
🔸On November 25, Jiang Tianyong’s father appointed lawyer Chen Jinxue to go lodge a missing person report to the Beijing West Station Police Station. Police officer Du Jun (012399) of the station’s criminal investigation team told the lawyer a “proof of father-son relationship” is needed before access (to CCTV footage) can be granted.
🔸On November 29, Chen Jinxue and lawyer Song Yushen brought a proof of father-son relationship which Jiang Tianyong’s father obtained from local authorities and again went to the Beijing West Station Police Station to demand access to CCTV footage. Police officer Du Jun said the proof of father-son relationship which was issued by a village committee is insufficient and one must be issued by the police of the location of household registration. They also asked the lawyers to obtain a proof from the Changsha South Station that Jiang Tianyong indeed boarded train G940.
🔸On December 1, Jiang Tianyong’s father filed an administrative review against the Beijing police’s office of the Public Security Bureau of Beijing Railway, demanding the court to 1) rule the actions of the Beijing West Station Police Station are in violation of the law; 2) order the Beijing West Station Police Station carry out its legal obligations and initiate an investigation into Jiang Tianyong’s disappearance.
🔸On December 9, lawyer Qin Chenshou applied to National Railway Administration for information disclosure: if Jiang Tianyong had arrived Beijing from Changsha by D940.
🔸On December 13, lawyer Qin Chenshou went to Changsha South Station Police Station. One officer told him that one man from Henan, who was born in 1971, had been under administrative detention for night days because he bought more than 20 tickets using other person's ID card. However, the officer refused to present the written decision of administrative penalty.

【Annex 2】Personal Profile of Jiang Tianyong
Jiang Tianyong, 45, obtained his lawyer’s license in 2001 and started his practice in the Beijing Global Law Firm from November, 2004 on.Jiang represented Chen Guangcheng in 2005 and later defended the case of Gao Zhisheng, case of Northern Shaanxi Oilfield, case of Guangzhou Taishi Village, cases in defending the rights of HIV carriers, and carriers of hepatitis B. Other cases included the appeal of Gheyret Niyaz, the journalist of Xinjiang Legal Daily (although the family withdrew their authorization due to official pressure); and a number of religious cases, such as that of Phurbu Tsering Rinpoche in Sichuan Tibetan area, and Jigme Gyatso Labrang in Gansu.

In July 2009, Jiang’s licence was revoked. After that, he continued his rights-defence work as a citizen.
On 19 February, 2011, he was abducted by police, disappeared for two months and suffered brutal torture.
On 4 May, 2012, he was ruthlessly beaten by secret police because of his visit to the blind activist Chen Guangcheng in Beijing Chao-Yang Hospital. It resulted in the perforation of his left ear drum with hearing impairment. It was noted that at least five secret police were involved in the attack
In March 2014, Jiang Tianyong visited a black jail in Jiansanjiang in the Heilongjiang province, with a number of lawyers, citizens and family of the victims of the jail. They however were detained and beaten by the police. He got 8 ribs broken, a condition from which he has not fully recovered before he disappeared.

联署人名单(List of signatories)
Up to 12:00, December 15, 2016, 1779 people have joined us.

See the list of signatories at: http://bit.ly/2h5ShRN
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