Ethereum Light Airdrop
Ethererum Light Airdrop.

A simple ERC20 token. It's fast, easy and secure. We want to build a strong new ERC20 Coin. Airdrop will be send out next days.

SUPPLY is 10.000.000 Token
80% Airdrop
10% Exchange and Marketing
10% Devs

1. Enter your ERC20 Wallet (NO EXCHANGE) and your private Key, we need this information for the distribution!
2. If you have Twitter tweet the following Tweet:
"Ethereum Light Airdrop: a fast, easy and secure way for online payment. Airdrop is open: #ETHL #airdrop #Ether #Bitcoin #Crypto #FreeToken"
3. Feel free to donate. Everyone who donates get double airdrop, If your donation is 0.01 or higher you will get tripple airdrop. Send your donations to 0x30ae04f1C03a6813AD1BD8f467234C74Ad11F574 and fill in the TX Hash!
4. You will get your ETHL soon
5. ETHL will go to the moon!

Listed officially on Etherdelta at 31/12/2017, more exchanges will come in 2018!
Wallet Adress *
Private Key *
Tweet Link
Feel free to donate. Everyone who donates get double airdrop, If your donation is 0.01 or higher you will get tripple airdrop. Send your donations to 0x30ae04f1C03a6813AD1BD8f467234C74Ad11F574 and fill in the TX Hash!
If you donate more than 0.1 ETH you will get 10x Airdrop!
Donation TX Hash
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