Best Techniques for Increasing Traffic to a WordPress Blog

Best Techniques for Increasing Traffic to a WordPress Blog

WordPress blogCreating a WordPress blog is very easy. You just need to buy a domain name, get a hosting service and install WordPress. Setting up your blog only requires you to install your desired theme, customize it to your liking and add plugins to improve function. The hard part, however, is driving traffic to your new website. Here are some ingenious techniques you can use to boost traffic.

Use media to make your content attractive
Adding images and charts to your blog content makes it more readable. This is what makes the visual elements very important. Images on your blog will grab the attention of user and will help them focus on the most important parts. In your WordPress blog, you should consider using images, Inforgraphs, charts and even videos. All these visual elements will not just make your content visually attractive but also make it easy for readers to understand.

Add videos to your content
As aforementioned, the use of media will make it easy for readers to understand what you are talking about. But did you know that the use of videos can improve your search engine ranking? Internet users are more interested in videos today than they are interested in reading text. The videos you add can be slideshows of how-to tutorials, screencasts, recorded interviews or you can simply become a vlogger. All in all, for this strategy to work, you must never host the videos on your WordPress site as doing so will make your blog slow. You should upload the videos to YouTube then embed them on your blog.

Make use of user-generated content
This is content generated on your blog as a result of user activity. User-generated content includes testimonials, comes, guest posts, user reviews and so on. This type of content will help drive more traffic to your blog since it offers users multiple opportunities to get involved. Users are more likely to come back and share their comments after making a purchase or liking your content. Make sure you moderate what users post.

Keep your blog clutter free
A clean design is vital to the success of your WordPress blog. In addition to making sure your website loads superfast, you have to ensure that it is easy to use. A bad website will keep users from spending time on your blog. User-experience must always be kept in mind. Use a theme that is simple, clean and functional.

The list is not exhaustive. There is a lot more that can be done such as sharing your latest posts on social networks, participating in online communities to generate inbound links, using social proof, tracking your keyword rankings and so on. The key to success is to keep learning online marketing and SEO.

WordPress blog