Tuesday 4 February 2014

Fully Collapsible Travel Boots

Fully Collapsible Travel Boots

Travel Boots

These are arguably the perfect travel boots. Weighing a mere 9.9 oz and featuring a low-profile 9mm LemsRubber™ sole to keep you closer to the ground for a more natural stride, these ultra lightweight boots are the way to go if a true barefoot experience if what you're looking for. The Boulder Boots are also completely collapsible, making them great for stuffing in a backpack during a trip.

Travel Boots

Travel Boots

Travel Boots

Travel Boots

Travel Boots

Travel Boots

Monday 3 February 2014

A Guide to Choosing Sunglasses

A Guide to Choosing Sunglasses

Sunglasses are one of the ultimate fashion accessories. They are great in helping you to create your own unique image. What exact style you choose really depends on your personal taste, age and the shape of your face. Yet, not matter what style of sunglasses you are thinking of buying, it is important that you end up choosing the best possible quality pair.

Some tips to choosing quality sunglasses are provided below. Being educated by what makes a quality pair of sunglasses is very important when you are searching for your next pair of sunglasses. Keep these tips in mind when you are browsing.

Protection from UV

One major contributor to eye disease is ultraviolet radiation. This is why it is important to choose a pair of sunglasses that protect you from the harmful effect of UV. Just because your glasses have a dark tint doesn't mean that you are protect from UV. Make sure you check the sunglasses UV rating.

What the Sunglasses Are Made From

Generally speaking the heavier the sunglasses the higher quality they will be. You want to ensure that the material that they are made from will last a long time and be able to resist the constant knocks that sunglasses typically take.

Different Tints

Tints are the colors that are applied to sunglasses lenses to help reduce the light that makes contact with the eyes. The particular tint you choose is up to your personal taste. However, different tints will have a different effect on the perceived brightness and glare, and will distort color differently.

As an example, gray tints reduce glare and don't distort the color. On the other hand, yellows lens will distort color but sharpen your perceived view.

To Polarize or Not to Polarize?

Sunglasses that are polarized will reduce the glare of the light which bounces off roads and water. They are typically preferred by people who drive a lot during the day or boat on the water. If you work or play near a lot of flat surfaces you may wish to investigate using polarized sunglasses.

Sunday 2 February 2014

Handbags For Women Who Hate Handbags

Handbags For Women

Culturally speaking in the United States, women are supposed to love the idea of carrying around some sort of handbag for the majority of their life. Not all women love the idea of a handbag. Some completely resist, shoving everything under the sun in their numerous pockets and being perfectly willing to leave a lot more at home than other women. Theres nothing wrong with this. Some people find it surprising when their girlfriend resists the idea, but men are often relieved at the money saved in handbag expenses.

However, sometimes there is a need for a woman who really can not handle the idea of carrying purse to move into the handbag territory simply because of its necessity. Whether for work or for medical reasons or for other reasons, their life simply can no longer fit into their pockets, no matter how hard they try. Thus, it is time to embark on the mission of buying a handbag for the woman who hates handbags.

First, its important to understand why it is that the handbag is such a bitter idea. Most women and even men associate a handbag with traditional female roles and obligations. A handbag is a symbol to many women, a symbol that indicates that women are supposed to carry the bulk of the crap. This can be a big turn off for many women. Who wants to be saddled carrying everything around? Emotionally speaking, women who feel like they are forced to carry the bulk of the crap are more resistant to handbags than women who feel that they are in neutral ground when it comes to crap carrying. Of course, there are other reasons as well.

Some women simply reject societys standard of what makes a woman feminine. A woman can be feminine while wielding around a hammer and a stun gun even if she doesnt look like Angelina Jolie. Femininity is a state of mind more than a skill at accessorizing. However, for most of our society, when we ask about the things women will do that men dont, carrying a handbag is right up there on the list. This can be frustrating for women who need to venture into the land of carrying more items than their pockets will hold.

Just because you have to delve into the land of handbags doesnt mean that you have to come walking away with some cute little strapped number that is barely big enough to slip your keys and wallet into. The world of handbags has grown in the last twenty years, offering to many new choices that fit their personality and style much better than little strapped numbers with sparkles on the side.

Saddle bags are the number one pick for women who hate handbags but need one. Saddle bags are relatively large handbags and are a creative cross between the traditional purse and the traditional leather backpack. These handbags slip over the shoulder with the feel of a backpack and offer a blended style. For a lot of women, even those who love the handbag, the extra room afforded by this style is not only perfect, but the ease with which it stays on the shoulder and the ease of which it can be flung like a backpack makes it feel less intrusive to the woman who is handbag resistant.

When purchasing a handbag for a woman who hates handbags, shy away from anything too traditional looking, too feminine, and too glitzy or glamorous. Something functional, something comfortable, and something that blends well with their pre-selected style is more likely to bring about peace and willingness. A handbag shouldnt have to be a traumatic idea.

Never force a handbag on a resistant woman. Youll resent the money you spent and shell resent that you are trying to change her somehow. Rather, allow her the freedom to decide ultimately for herself what she wants to try and how she wants to make the transition.

Using a handbag is just as much about habit as anything else sometimes. Some women dont necessarily harbor negative feelings, they just never got into the habit of grabbing a handbag on their way out the door. This is reasonable, and anyone who wants to or needs to can get into the habit simply by leaving the bag where their keys are. You arent leaving the house without your keys, thus you arent going to leave the house without anything that you have assigned your keys to babysit for you.

Friday 31 January 2014

Scotch Shrunk + R’belle

Scotch Shrunk + R’belle

I mean, does it get any cuter than Scotch & Soda‘s kids collection? And how is it that I’m taking styling tips from these  ’lil tots?!? Destroyed denim and tropical printed chambray are adorably paired with espadrilles, boat shoes and island-inspired jewelry. So yeah, can I get that indigo dyed knit sweater and quilted vest in my size, please?

Thursday 30 January 2014

Liquid Lines

Liquid Lines

The one thing in my makeup bag that I can’t quite live without, besides mascara, is liquid eyeliner. Even though I have mastered that steady line after years of practice, the right tool makes all the difference. And after trying what seems like hundreds of versions, I’m so excited to have finally found a nearly perfect one: Eyeko’s Skinny Liquid Eyeliner. I love how easy it is to apply and that it’s highly pigmented and practically smudge proof. Is there a liquid eyeliner that you swear by? Do tell!

Saturday 25 January 2014

9-Months-Pregnant Ballerina Is Still Dancing

9-Months-Pregnant Ballerina Is Still Dancing

A leotard, a graceful pose and a 9-month-pregnant baby bump – this is what made Mary Helen Bowers, a renowned ballerina, famous on the Internet. In a week she is due to give birth to her first child, nevertheless, up until now she’s been rocking her Instagram with stunning pregnancy photographs showing every stage of the upcoming motherhood.

“I’ve found the entire process of being pregnant to be such a miraculous, beautiful time. As a first-time mom I am so excited! My instinct has been not only to capture this special time, but to share it with others, too”,-says Bowers.

She also admits these dancing routines helped her to prevent a lot of pregnancy aches and to embrace her changing body. Inspired by her own experience, Bowers designed a prenatal workout for women who also want to stay active and celebrate their femininity. It’s definitely worth a shot, since Mary Helen is working with Victoria’s Secret models and even trained Natalie Portman for her role in “Black Swan”.

Update: Lumina Belle arrived happy & healthy yesterday morning at 6am!
