A Dance with Dragons

A Dance with Dragons George R. R. Martin


A Dance with Dragons (A Song of Ice and Fire #05)

A Dance with Dragons picks up where A Storm of Swords left off and runs simultaneously with events in A Feast for Crows. The War of the Five Kings seems to be winding down. In the North, King Stannis Baratheon has installed himself at the Wall and vowed to win the support of the northmen to continue his struggle to claim the Iron Throne, although this is complicated by the fact that much of the west coast is under occupation by the Ironborn. On the Wall itself Jon Snow has been elected the 998th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, but has enemies both in the Watch and beyond the Wall to watch for. Tyrion Lannister has been taken by ship across the Narrow Sea to Pentos, but his eventual goals are unknown even to him. In the far east, Daenerys Targaryen has conquered the city of Meereen, but has decided to stay and rule the city, honing her skills of leadership which will be needed when she travels on to Westeros. But Daenerys' presence is now known to many in Westeros, and from the Iron Islands and Dorne, from Oldtown and the Free Cities, emissaries are on their way to find her and use her cause for their own ends.

Fantasia / Literatura Estrangeira

Edições (8)

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A Dance with Dragons
A Dance with Dragons
A Dance with Dragons
A Dance with Dragons


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A Storm of Swords
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Resenhas para A Dance with Dragons (26)

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on 20/12/20

Os acontecimentos desse livro acontecem ao mesmo tempo do quarto livro e foca mais no que acontece com a Dany e com Jon. Dany continua bem longe de Westeros, tentando governar e resolver vários problemas e ganhando vários inimigos. Já Jon também está atraindo inimigos na muralha, ao tentar proteger a muralha do real perigo e manter a paz com o Selvagens. Muita coisa nesse livro se assemelhou com a Série da TV, mas senti que a Dany não saiu do lugar e nem aprendeu nada, ela ainda tem... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
22/04/2009 20:13:26
editou em:
12/12/2020 18:21:24

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