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Last Updated: Sunday October 22 2006 14:37 GMT

In pictures: Diwali around the world

The Hindu festival of lights - called Diwali - started on Saturday. It's being celebrated around the world by Jains and Sikhs as well as Hindus. Here, children in India light candles

The Hindu festival of lights - called Diwali - started on Saturday. It's being celebrated around the world by Jains and Sikhs as well as Hindus. Here, children in India light candles

This girl decorates the entrance of her home by lighting traditional Diyas - meaning earthen lamps - on the eve of Diwali

This girl decorates the entrance of her home by lighting traditional Diyas - meaning earthen lamps - on the eve of Diwali

Here in New Delhi, India, a family light firecrackers. People also offer sweets to each other as presents. And lots of special food is served throughout Diwali

Here in New Delhi, India, a family light firecrackers. People also offer sweets to each other as presents. And lots of special food is served throughout Diwali

In Pakistan, a Hindu family light candles around a huge flower painted on the ground

In Pakistan, a Hindu family light candles around a huge flower painted on the ground

And in Durban in South Africa this little girl lights a clay lamp

And in Durban in South Africa this little girl lights a clay lamp

The Golden temple in Amritsar, India is brightly lit up to mark the beginning of Diwali

The Golden temple in Amritsar, India is brightly lit up to mark the beginning of Diwali

During Diwali houses are decorated with brightly coloured lanterns and special lamps are lit inside and outside buildings

During Diwali houses are decorated with brightly coloured lanterns and special lamps are lit inside and outside buildings

People also decorate their homes with flowers and wear special garlands. Here in India a man is selling marigold flowers at a roadside stall

People also decorate their homes with flowers and wear special garlands. Here in India a man is selling marigold flowers at a roadside stall

Loads of firework displays also light up the sky during Diwali!

Loads of firework displays also light up the sky all over the world during Diwali!

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