2015 Technology Kickoff Conference Reflection/Evaluation
Please provide your feedback on the Technology Kickoff Conference.
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Full Name
Email Address
Session 1
Which class did you attend during Session 1? *
What is something that you will take back to the classroom that you learned in this session?
Please rate the following in regards to your satisfaction with this session: *
1 - Not at All Satisfied
2 - Somewhat Satisfied
3 - Satisfied
4 - Extremely Satisfied
Instructor's Knowledge
Session 2
Which class did you attend during Session 2? *
What is something that you will take back to the classroom that you learned in this session?
Please rate the following in regards to your satisfaction with this session: *
1 - Not at All Satisfied
2 - Somewhat Satisfied
3 - Satisfied
4 - Extremely Satisfied
Instructor's Knowledge
Session 3
Which class did you attend during Session 3? *
What is something that you will take back to the classroom that you learned in this session?
Please rate the following in regards to your satisfaction with this session: *
1 - Not at All Satisfied
2 - Somewhat Satisfied
3 - Satisfied
4 - Extremely Satisfied
Instructor's Knowledge
Session 4
Which class did you attend during Session 4? *
What is something that you will take back to the classroom that you learned in this session?
Please rate the following in regards to your satisfaction with this session: *
1 - Not at All Satisfied
2 - Somewhat Satisfied
3 - Satisfied
4 - Extremely Satisfied
Instructor's Knowledge
Overall Reflection/Feedback
Please rate the following in regards to your satisfaction with the Tech Kickoff as a whole: *
1 - Not at All Satisfied
2 - Somewhat Satisfied
3 - Satisfied
4 - Extremely Satisfied
Date/Time of Year
Registration Process
Communication/Available Information
Overall Quality of Sessions
Overall Quality of Instructors
Any Other Feedback?
Please give us any other feedback you have on our Tech Kickoff.
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