Monday, May 11, 2015

Weighted Average Practice Questions

Practice questions:

  1. George is entering a speaking contest where he is judged on three topics. Content is worth 50%, appearance is worth 25% and delivery is worth 25% of his total score. What is his weighted score, rounded to the nearest percent, if he earned an 87% on content, 90% on appearance and 85 on delivery?

  1. Thomas has been worried about getting an ‘A’ as his final grade in Science class. He knows he has earned a 75% for his daily assignments and a 90% for his tests this semester. His teacher said that tests would be worth 80% of his grade and daily assignments would make up the rest. Thomas is certain that he made an A in this class. Did he? If not, what mistake did he make?
(Note: an ‘A’ is a score of 90% or higher)

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