The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Hillary Clinton isn’t alone: Former politicians rake it in on speaker circuit

July 11, 2013 at 4:25 p.m. EDT

When a super PAC launched an anti-Hillary Clinton Web site 22 days after Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) voiced her support of Clinton's possible 2016 bid, speculation on the former Secretary of State becoming the first female president increased sharply. All the while, Clinton remained mum on the rumors.

Clinton is finally getting behind a podium and speaking but not about a presidential bid quite yet. See, it's summertime, and the speaking is easy. Since she's left office, Clinton has taken a note from her husband and entered the paid speaking circuit. It was recently reported that Hillary Clinton received over $200,000 for speaking to everyone from apartment complex developers in Dallas to private equity managers in Los Angeles.

Other 2016 hopefuls are collecting speaking gigs around the country as well. Best case scenario: It's good money and reinforces a public persona come campaign time. Worst case scenario: It's good practice for if they lose. If the politicians below are any example, public appearances for former politicians is good business.