Behen Hogi Teri

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Behen Hogi Teri UA

09 Jun, 2017
2 hrs 8 mins
Critic's Rating
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Behen Hogi Teri


The plot is juvenile to say the least, but Rajkummar is better than everyone and their brother.

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Behen Hogi Teri Movie Review

Critic's Rating: 2.5/5
Story: Gattu loves Binny, but a misunderstanding leads everyone to believe that he only has brotherly feelings for her.

Review: The title Behen Hogi Teri itself reeks of the immaturity of a 12-year-old boy with a new batch of hormones and the first burst of testosterone.

The movie takes place in a world where grown men still operate by the rules of teenaged boys: they play gully cricket, hide from girls on Raksha Bandhan, put silly curses on each other and ask their parents for money.

Gattu (Rao) is no different. He has loved Binny (Haasan) all his life, and wins her over after a series of Roadies-like tasks. But Gattu’s father (Jariwala) spots Binny with his friend Bhura (Tangiri) and one confusion leads to another. Binny suddenly has two prospective grooms and everyone assumes that Gattu is nothing but her rakhi-brother.

The plot is juvenile to say the least. It is a little disheartening to see a movie that incorporates casual sexism and regressive norms without any plan to combat them. So when a character suggests that he’d rather bury his sister alive than marry her off for love, you want someone to speak up against him; when another character shames Binny for hanging out with boys, you want to hear a smart retort. But then you realize that this movie has no intention of laughing at this mindset. It is, in fact, only catering to those who will find these things funny.

The male characters are imbecilic; Binny admits that she “used to be a firecracker but has now fizzled out” for no apparent reason. The background score tries to tell you what emotion to feel. The second half collapses when subplots start to overlap.

The writing shows potential, to be honest. Moments like a romantic track playing over a funeral and a drunken rant about the Rahuls and Rajs of Bollywood give you hope. Had the writers taken a dig at patriarchy and given the female characters some spunk, this would have been hilarious.

But the only reason to smile at the movie is Rajkummar Rao. The movie is packed with performers of various calibers, but Rao - the only reason to even attempt this - is better than everyone and their brother.

Also Read: Behen Hogi Teri Review in Hindi

Users' Reviews

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Durgesh 1465 days ago

only rajkumar is good, others disaster

Durgesh k1465 days ago

actually cant relay , fail attempt

Nandini 11465 days ago

Can be interesting but fails terribly

Great India1469 days ago

5/10 average

Happytimes User1470 days ago

one time watch

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