Petition for Boags Draught to adopt environmental packaging! Ban single use plastics!

Petition for Boags Draught to adopt environmental packaging! Ban single use plastics!

19 March 2018
Petition to
Lion Nathan and
Signatures: 19,916Next goal: 25,000
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Why this petition matters

Started by Tim Bezemer

Every state in Australia except New South Wales, has already or has a strong plan to ban single use plastic bags. 

As an avid beer drinker and lover of Boags Draught beer, I am petitioning them to change their packaging to a more environmentally option. The beer is currently being sold wrapped in tough plastic and I believe that a cardboard option would be a much more sustainable move.

Boags already use a cardboard packaging option for their Premium Pilsner line so this would just be a case of re branding to support the Draught logo. 

A simple and small move to help create a better planet for future generations.

Every little bit counts! 

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Signatures: 19,916Next goal: 25,000
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Decision makers

  • Lion Nathan
  • James Boags