Facts To Know Before Magento Ecommerce Website Development

As we all know Magento is open source ecommerce platform and it has wide community support. On November 2015, they announced about new version Magento 2.0 with promise in terms of productivity, usability, scalability, performance, code quality, migration and much more. If you are already using Magento 1.0, then it’s our Magento experts advice to migrate your site on from 1.0 to 2.0. No doubt, we are here to manage your project risks like project may go over budget, deliver later than planned, loss of traffic or sales. But to keep up to date with technology and trend, you need to take risk. Magento 2.0 has great functionality than the original platform had. It is better integrated with caching tools.

Code Quality

If we see on Magento 1.0 code quality, then it didn’t work well with third party extensions and integration. Some extensions provider like CRM, Email Marketing, Reviews system, ERP, POS, Social media, accounting software are not well integrated with Magento ecommerce website. In this new version, Magento extension market is transformed into better. According to it, it will allow only certified extensions available for purchase or download. So buyers can get much quality extensions for their Magento ecommerce store.



New version has built in Varnish catching support and it is easy to configure. It improves page loading speed significantly. Import and Export of product data is become faster. Indexing and SOLR search engine speed is optimized. It means you can expect performance boost for Magento 2.0.


If we check the usability term, the new check out process is improved and users can purchase products within 2 steps instead of 5 steps. Developers include PayPal and Braintree payment gateways in native integration. Moreover, they provide now color and text swatches.


Now, Magento has standalone database for order management. It has compatibility with MySQL cluster and product catalog size in increased to 1.5 million. Moreover, it supports up to 3.5M page views per hour and 250k orders per hour. These all is tested with 12 server’s configuration.


The admin UI is responsive in new update. So now you can easily manage your store from your tablet or mobile at anytime from anywhere. Admin UI has now many drag and drop features and a visual composer for creating content based on product.


Version 2.0 comes with migration tool which will allow simple data migration from 1 to 2.0. You will also migrate customization and themes, etc. You have no need to worry about conversion rate on Magento ecommerce store. It will not affect.0

Other than these, there are some other interesting features like plagiarism check plugin, Magento connect market place, marketing coupons, brand new user interface and deverloper-centric dashboard.  If you really want to make your Magento ecommerce website better, faster and interactive, then it is the right time to implement this change.

As a Magento ecommerce business owner, you must think about this update. If you need any help related to it, let us know.

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