People also ask
How much is the Boston laundry service?
Prices starting at $1.99/ lb We get it – your laundry game isn't one-size-fits-all. So we've flipped the script on traditional laundry services. With us, it's all about flexibility and convenience tailored just for you.
How much is dry cleaning in Singapore?
Dry Cleaning
Shirt / Blouse
Trousers / Slacks
Shorts / Bermudas
How much laundry per kilo in the Philippines?
Care Level 1
Comfy (Wash-Dry-Fold)
Regular clothes - P44/kg
Blankets & towels - P60/kg
Executive (Wash-Dry-Press)
Regular - P150/kg
Extra Hanger - P10pc
How much to dry clean a shawl?
Our Pricelist for Laundry and Dry Cleaning is available online and in stores. For items that are not listed, Whatsapp us at +65 9228 3061.
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