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q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... Q. And those are the only ones you approached , the merchants who had been doing business with you ? A. Its the only ... Very little waists now ? A. Yes , very little . Very little skirts too . Q. No , skirts are short , but they still use ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... very thin hair and sometimes . the hair pins would fall out , but she would always fix it up . Q. You saw her with ... skirts or short skirts ? A. Well , sometimes they would be short and some- times she would have a long one on . Q ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... A. Ten or fifteen minutes . Q. You visited the premises No. 7 First street on March 18th and 22nd ? A. March 18th ... short skirts . Q. And in most instances , did the wrappers ex- tend in this place below the angle , having trains on ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... Q. You visited the premises No. 7 First street on Marcl . 18th and 22nd ? A. March 18th and 23rd ? Q. 23rd . Now , did you go - upstairs with a ... short skirts . Q. Ard in most instances , did the wrappers ex- tend in this place below the ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... Q. You mean tunic skirts were the prevailing fashion in 1913 ? A. Yes , sir . Q. How about these dresses ; were they tunics ? A. Some of them were tunics , and some were very ... short sleeves and low necks . Q. What would that indicate , ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... a phrase " St. Louis sporting house " ? A. I do . Q. Paragraph 10 is the next one cited , the top of the third column , " Young floozie characters wearing short skirts that tightly embrace their hinterparts " . A. Yes . Q. And the next ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... a week . I have done a ballet dance and in ballet dances the girls wear short skirts and show their limbs and they have on low - cut dresses , low in the neck and I have danced with such women as that . Q. A lot of times ? A. Yes . A ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... Q. By the way , before I forget it , you said a moment ago that the Pequod club contained nothing but gentlemen as ... short skirts ambulate nightly ; is he a member of the club ? A. He is . Q. And that is one of the places you freguent ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... Q. By the way , before I forget it , you said a moment ago that the Pequod club contained nothing but gentlemen as ... short skirts ambulate nightly ; is he a member of the club ? A. He is . Q. And that is one of the places you freguent ...
q=very short skirts from books.google.com
... Q. By the way , before I forget it , you said a moment ago that the Pequod club contained nothing but gentlemen as ... short skirts ambulate nightly ; is he a member of the club ? A. He is . Q. And that is one of the places you freguent ...