q=safe=active Smucker Builders from books.google.com
Yet, Rumelt shows that there has been a growing and unfortunate tendency to equate Mom-and-apple-pie values, fluffy packages of buzzwords, motivational slogans, and financial goals with “strategy.” In Good Strategy/Bad Strategy, he ...
q=safe=active Smucker Builders from books.google.com
The leading text for students and practicing therapists who want to learn the fundamentals of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), this book is eminently practical and authoritative.
q=safe=active Smucker Builders from books.google.com
This book is vital reading for investors, executives, and directors seeking to understand and attract the kind of shareholders that their companies need.
q=safe=active Smucker Builders from books.google.com
This book is about Information Retrieval (IR), particularly Classical Information Retrieval (CIR).
q=safe=active Smucker Builders from books.google.com
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
q=safe=active Smucker Builders from books.google.com
Exploratory search systems support this through symbiotic human-machine relationships that provide guidance in exploring unfamiliar information landscapes. Exploratory search has gained prominence in recent years.
q=safe=active Smucker Builders from books.google.com
This book summarizes experiences to date on the extent and nature of decentralization and its outcomes, most of which suggest an underperformance of governance reforms, and explores the viability of different governance instruments in the ...