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Choose, use, and understand great vintage type with this authoritative guide.
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
Michael R. McVaugh. 5 De egritudinibus cornee , que decem numerantur ; et primo agetur de maculis . Egritudines cornee eciam sunt multe ; verum de aliquibus dictum est supra , ut de sanie retro corneam , de bothoribus , ulceribus ...
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... q 10 , 16 , and 30. The part of q 10 corre- sponds to a large partially ( or entirely ) enclosed area ( called “ counter ” by font ... vintage 1950s organhandmade19 " hand - drawn handletter fancy letter ... Font ? 733.
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
... que fortem Numam , que and brave Numa , and magnanimo Volscente : from high - minded Volscens ; Ausonidum , et ... retro , que effundunt with fear and rushing back , both rapiunt currus ad littora . bear off the chariot to the shore . se ...
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
... que supra vel retro sunt , respicere que retro sunt , despicere jnferius , per- spicere , prospicere que longe sunt , videre natura , mirari , perspi- cari , speculari , prospectare , spe- cere , spectare . a Behaldynge ; asspectus ...
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
... que se hable y se escriba de ella y por ella misma, es decir, sin filtros ... text undermines such male dominance in authorship and representation. Gabriel Salazar and ... Vintage Books, 1997) 175. 399 400 'revolución cultural' que está ...
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
... retro- cedió asombrado , y razon tenía . El pelo de la jóven madre , se ... que estás mala , y muy mala . Debes haber sufrido mucho . Mucho , contestó ... que la certeza de que era mortal . ¡ Un año entero duró su descenso al sepulcro ...
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
... retro - uterine hematocele ( differential diagnosis , see p . 167 ) , retro - uterine perimetritic exudates ( q . v . ) , or a retro - uterine ovarian tumor ( q . v . ) . Diagnosis of Fixation . Diagnosis of Fixation . If , after a ...
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
... q) q and V j (v,t|q) q if Z(v,t) 0. Next, we can also write the value ... text, we have that the value of a substitute variety of quality q′ is given by r(t)V j ... vintage can be expressed as V ̃ (q) q V(q) q, r z which will always be ...
q=?q=vintage font from books.google.com
... vintage . pangs o . * Chap . x We read of this Vine of Sibmah alfo , Ift . 16. 8 , 9. Both Sib - Ver . 24. Or an ... q . hath been , fo full of fplendor and glory . q The reafon given is p That is , for a time ; fee Ver . 47 , Or being ...