In late 1950s New York, a young underachiever named Tom Ripley is sent to Italy to retrieve Dickie Greenleaf, a rich and spoiled millionaire playboy.
Scrapes information about movies and TV shows from IMDb (imdb.com). Built in PHP, one line to use, can write to CSV.
... /?ref_=tt_cl_dr_1" role="button" tabindex="0 ... title/tt0109830/releaseinfo?ref_=tt_dt_rdat" role ... sound_mixes=dolby_sr&ref_=tt_spec_att" role="button ...
Multilingual identifying text for title name, album name, song name, cast, crew, etc. ... SDDS (Sony Dynamic Digital Sound) is an optional ... /?action=intro> ( ...
... <title>The Dark Knight (2008)</title> <link rel ... /?"); generic.monitoring.start_timing("page_load ... sound_mixes=dolby_digital">Dolby Digital</a> | <a href ...