# .bashrc config file v.03 @ 3 august 2012 # source ~/.bash_profile # increase history size # Expand the history size export HISTSIZE=100500 export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T ' export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups export HISTIGNORE="&:ls:[bf]g:exit:[ ]*:ssh:history" alias update=/etc/periodic/weekly/310.locate alias ports="portsnap fetch update" alias psx="ps -auxww | grep $1" alias pst='dtpstree -tp' alias du='du -h -d 1' # Makes a more readable output. alias df='echo -e;mount; echo -e;df -h' alias ll="ls -l" alias lo="ls -o" alias lh="ls -lh" alias la="ls -la" alias sl="ls" alias l="ls" alias s="ls" alias ntp="ntpdate 2.md.pool.ntp.org" alias su='su -' alias grep="egrep" alias rm='rm -i' alias m='more' alias gr='grep -v grep | grep -i' alias gre='grep -v grep | grep -i' alias grep='grep -v grep | grep -i' alias gerp='grep -v grep | grep -i' alias i='grep -v grep | grep -i' alias inc='grep -v grep | grep -i' alias include='grep -v grep | grep -i' alias mtop='mtop --dbuser=root' alias mic='make config-recursive install clean' alias mdc='make deinstall clean' alias w='w -n' alias ifstat='ifstat -t' #------------------------------------------------------------- # spelling typos - highly personnal and keyboard-dependent :-) #------------------------------------------------------------- alias xs='cd' alias vf='cd' alias moer='more' alias moew='more' alias kk='ll' # ports: pstree alias ..="cd .." alias ...="cd ../.." alias ....="cd ../../.." alias .....="cd ../../../.." # # export PS1='[`date +%d""%h""%Y"/"%T `] \u@\h \w \$ ' # [03Aug2012/15:20:45] test@zabbix /www $ export PS1='[`date +%d""%h""%Y"/"%T `] \u@\h \w \$ '