
6% of survey complete.
Welcome to the Aspirations Survey for Parents and Caregivers.

We are asking parents and caregivers of students in Years 6, 8, 10 and 12 from schools in our study to complete this survey.

The research team will write reports about the answers received from about 80 schools across NSW. Your child's school will get its own report but you will not be identified in this or any other reports so nobody will ever know which answers were actually yours.

You do not have to fill in this survey if you don’t want to and you may stop filling out the survey at any time. You cannot pause or return to this survey so it should be completed in one sitting. Questions marked with a * require an answer. We ask you to answer every question if you can.

The survey is about how you feel and what you think about the questions asked. There are no right or wrong answers. Take your time and think carefully about each statement as it applies to you.

Some people may find questions in this survey to be of a sensitive nature. If you have any concerns about the questions, please speak with your school’s principal. The principal can arrange for confidential counselling and support services to be provided to you. Alternatively, please contact Parent Line, a free and confidential telephone counselling service, by calling 1300 1300 52.

You will be asked at the end of the survey for your consent to allow your responses to be included in the Aspirations Study.

For more information, please contact

Thank you in advance for your time today,

Professor Jenny Gore and the research team

Question Title

* 1. Before we begin, please tell us your child's full name (please include given name and family name).
If you have more than one child participating in the study, please enter the name of your eldest child.