Cherri-Anne's Reviews > Solstice Burn

Solstice Burn by Kym Grosso
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it was amazing

Tell me, Penny, do you have fun? 5 GOLD MERMAIDS

WHEW!! Now that's what I call a much-needed vacation!! And a half! Get it? Because this is book #0.5? :-) But seriously! What an ABSO-FLINGING-LUTELY hot, ADVENTUREROTIC & VACATIONGASMIC piece of mermaid tail! Even though this is more of an "in the moment" kind of story with very little to in some cases even no background or outside involvement, the characters are well-developed and very intriguing. I was more than satisfied to be Penny for this story! wink As for Chase? Who doesn't dream of a vacation fling with a guy like him? And who wouldn't want to plunge into the deep forever with him?!? I would happily (and eagerly) play "Rescue the Mermaid" any day, every day and 6 times on Sunday! And Monday... and Tues.. well you get the idea! The story just hooks you, reeling you in, taking you to new heights & depths, never letting you go! I LOVE the different kind of story this is! Instead of a gal who is nervous and worried about how she looks, what should she do, this is more of a "should we do it here... again? or over there?" kind of story. I love, Love, LOVE that difference!! It truly is one very SCUBAGASMIC, SWIMTACULAR story!! No dare needed! Having the chance to read all 3 books in this series back-to-back-to-back wasn't an opportunity I was going to pass on... even if it isn't my much-preferred paranormal and WOW!! Am I ever glad I took the plunge!! Kim is definitely one FINTASTIC author and I am ready to dive right in to the next book! SIGN ME UP! I WANT TO JOIN THE CLUB!! Even though I do have a couple of Kym's Vampire books, this series is actually my first of hers that I have had the immense pleasure of reading, and I GUARAN-DAMN-TEE it will NOT be the last! If she can hook me so deep into a "contemporary" story - erotic or not - I can only imagine how VAMPTACULAR & FANGASMIC her Vamps will be!! wink

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Reading Progress

October 2, 2016 – Started Reading
October 2, 2016 – Finished Reading
October 4, 2016 – Shelved

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