What is BMI

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculator This BMI helps you to calculate the fat content of your body and your body BMI measurements (normal weight, less weight and obesity than normal weight). This calculator favors both men and women.

How to calculate BMI

To know your bmi you’ve to calculate it using formula.You need weight and height.To know more about calculating bmi visit ” How to Calculate BMI “.

BMI  table

BMI table helps to know our fat level or weight level.It will help to compare our bmi with the various level such as underweight, normal weight, obese.

BMI formula

BMI formula helps us to calculate bmi manually.You need your weight and height to calculate bmi.BMI is the easiest formula and non invasive way to calculate bmi.

BMI calculator kg

In BMI calculator kg you need every parameters in kilogram.It is same as normal BMI calculator and so easy as previous one.

The best way of calculating bmi two types

Generic Method

Metric Method

BMI ranges

The ranges of BMI are

  • underweight
  • normal weight
  • over weight
  • obese

BMI is one of the well known way to check your health.If your bmi is obese kindly consult a doctor.

If you have any doubts kindly contact us.

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