Kevin Dieffenbach, M.D. Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
Kevin Dieffenbach, M.D. Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery
Jan 25, 2018
Which breast implant is right for you? Deciding on the right type of breast implants, as well as size, is a big decision. It will affect how you look and feel after the surgery, so it's important to select the correct option. You have three options: Saline: These are best for those who want to keep scarring to a minimum. The empty implant is inserted through a tiny incision, then inflated with saline. However, saline implants are more likely to rupture or pop, and they don't feel as natural as the other options available. Gummy Bear: Just like gummy bears, these implants are fairly firm. They are the best choice for anyone who is worried about ruptures since the interior gel will stay in place, even if the shell breaks for some reason. While they may not feel as natural as the gel implants, gummy bear breast implants hold their shape indefinitely. Gel: Implants that are filled with gel are the top choice for most people. The gel is very realistic-feeling and looks more natural, as well. While the gel can spread in the event of a rupture, it tends to stay in place, reducing risks and making this the best option for the majority of patients.