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RageShowMyLocation (Speed Limit, Color Distinction of Road Types, City/County, Street Name, Heading, Player Speed, Time, Coords(X,Y,Z), Zone) with RNUI 1.5.1

   (21 reviews)

2 Screenshots

This plugin adds in configurable location in game window information about :

  • current player location (street and city/county),
  • displays interstates in red, routes in yellow, other streets in white color,
  • displays speed limit at current street, it's based on street location and in some cases player coordinates in game world - as of now it has basic functionality, comparing to this what I planned.
  • also displays current time in game (12 or 24 hour clock),
  • current player speed displayed in MPH or KMPH depending on which system player choosen in options,
  • direction / heading.
  • current zone
  • player coordinates (x,y,z)

There's ability to configure plugin behaviour via "RageShowMyLocation.ini" file and / or using in-game menu accessible by pressing LShift + F6 (thanks to RageNativeUI - by alexguirre, Stealth22, LtFlash, Guad and others ), which includes :

  • position of each 6 text elements (heading, street/county/zone, time, speed limit, player speed, coordinates) on screen,
  • font sizeof each 6 text elements (heading, street/county/zone, time, speed limit, player speed, coordinates) on screen,
  • switchable options mentioned below

also switches (on/off) in ini file :

  • metric/imperial units switch,
  • time (in game),
  • heading,
  • player speed,
  • player coordinates (x,y,z),
  • current zone.
  • if display text inside black box (with adjustable opacity) or not, for all those patrols on sunny weather,

and ...

  • font family/name - this can be any system font installed in Windows,
  • in-game menu key binding (for better integration with other tools, trainers etc.)

Settings, while using in-game menu, are saved immediatelly to ini file after applying so they are persistent, and are applied instantly.

Default config has set position values for small screen resolution which give basic feel how it works, just to be adjusted by player to his/her needs.


If You have older version of plugin, and plugin's ini file contains customized text positioning (among other options), and want to retain your config, You should backup plugin's ini file, and restore it if desired after plugins update. However from time to time, I'm updating plugin's functionality and new settings become available, so I post in plugin's change log information about these new settings, so plugin users know what to expect.


There's API for plugin makers in test phase as well allowing to obtain speed limit for given street (name, location) - see development forum thread for details - I'll post there some examples.

Issues with text flickering has been resolved, In RPH 0.29 - 0.30 was added method for faster drawing text on game window, so once I figured that solution to this problem is already available, I used it.

Improved zone information displayed to player, thanks to translation table (raw string to more readable form) from AlexGuirre.

Requirements :

- Rage Plugin Hook 0.52 (may work with older versions)

- Rage Native UI 1.6



Installation :

- Unpack archive file (7-zip),

- Copy file named "RageShowMyLocation.dll" and "RageShowMyLocation.ini" to Gta5/Plugins directory,

- Copy file named "RageNativeUI.dll" to main GTA 5 directory

- Enable Plugin in Rage Plugin Hook Settings Window (accesible after holding Shift key when starting RPH 0.52), plugins tab

Please do not re-upload this file to other sites, as You do not have my permission to do so.

This plugin is only available here and at my site (see My profile tab or development forum thread - http://www.lcpdfr.com/forums/topic/54695-wiprel-rageshowmylocation/


What's New in Version with RNUI 1.5.1


- updated for newest RPH 0.52

- updated for older Rage Native UI (1.5.1 - included in archive), for compatibility with other plugins

waski35 - Author
Authors of Rage Plugin Hook - for documentation of their work, and creating awesome plugin hook,
alexguirre - for data describing raw zone string to more readable form translation table
RageNativeUI authors for their library

User Feedback

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Doesn't this do the exact same thing as pld?(http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/7706-player-location-display/)

Yes, but it uses RagePluginHook instead. This was the reason to create this plugin - to not have to install script hook V, and still have this functionality. It's alternative.


There are some additional functionalities planned.

New version is publicly available

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Yes, but it uses RagePluginHook instead. This was the reason to create this plugin - to not have to install script hook V, and still have this functionality. It's alternative.


There are some additional functionalities planned.

New version is publicly available

I like the way this is heading especially the idea of the different coloured text for different roads and such. Keep up the good work :). I'll do a showcase vid if you'd like.

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There are some fixes coming, and new additions, like displaying current street speed limit (for traffic policing)

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There are some fixes coming, and new additions, like displaying current street speed limit (for traffic policing)

you get that done and you've sealed the deal. Speed limit signs in the game are so far from  each other that I usually just make up a relative speed limit

Also I could beta test if you like :p

Nvm I see I've got that done ill feature this this tonight

Edited by EthanRubinacci
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Thanks. If You would like to beta test there's development build link in plugin thread, on forum

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Hello w35, congrats for your mod I find the features really nice.

There's one thing that bothers me though : the refresh rate. I don't know how you can tweak this, but I often see the text flickers very quickly.

I didn't notice it at first, but now that i've seen it, I can't bear with it x).

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Hello w35, congrats for your mod I find the features really nice.

There's one thing that bothers me though : the refresh rate. I don't know how you can tweak this, but I often see the text flickers very quickly.

I didn't notice it at first, but now that i've seen it, I can't bear with it x).

I know about it. It sometimes happens.

Theres not much I can do about it for now. It looks like Rage plugin hook hooks to game frame rendering system this way. I have tried different solutions, but they are not this what i want to achieve. I have hooked in my code to one and only event given by RPH API that has ability to place that kind of text, and control it freely, without interfering with other plugins, and it  (RPH) just works this way. Please note that RPH itself is in open alpha stage, and can be sometimes unpredictable. This issue hopefully will be resolved, and more API will show up, during RPH development, so all what we can do is wait in that matter.

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I know about it. It sometimes happens.

Theres not much I can do about it for now. It looks like Rage plugin hook hooks to game frame rendering system this way. I have tried different solutions, but they are not this what i want to achieve. I have hooked in my code to one and only event given by RPH API that has ability to place that kind of text, and control it freely, without interfering with other plugins, and it  (RPH) just works this way. Please note that RPH itself is in open alpha stage, and can be sometimes unpredictable. This issue hopefully will be resolved, and more API will show up, during RPH development, so all what we can do is wait in that matter.

Of course, I understand :). I am merely reporting this small issue.
Have you tried querying RPH only once or twice per second instead of all the time ? Maybe it would solve the problem.

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Of course, I understand :). I am merely reporting this small issue.
Have you tried querying RPH only once or twice per second instead of all the time ? Maybe it would solve the problem.

Problem is that RPH queries mu plugin this way. Thats how event handlers work. I provide event handler, hook it to RPH, so RPH can call my event handler each time frame renders in game (event is fired).

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Great addon. Is there any way you could please tell me what are the exact values to set the information bar on the bottom of the screen, like in your screenshots?

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Great addon. Is there any way you could please tell me what are the exact values to set the information bar on the bottom of the screen, like in your screenshots?

You should edit ini file provided with plugin.

Values are pixels. So If You have monitor with resolution 1600x900 pixels, and game runs fullscreen, You should set pos_x=500 pos_y=850 (so theres place for text on bootom of screen (about 50 pixels)). If You set font size in ini file to larger, You should use lesser value for Y axis than 850 px. Theres brief description in ini file.

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You should edit ini file provided with plugin.

Values are pixels. So If You have monitor with resolution 1600x900 pixels, and game runs fullscreen, You should set pos_x=500 pos_y=850 (so theres place for text on bootom of screen (about 50 pixels)). If You set font size in ini file to larger, You should use lesser value for Y axis than 850 px. Theres brief description in ini file.

Thank you sir ! 

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Awesome mod. Finally an alternative to PLD which causes less dependencies (only RPH so far).

But I have two suggestions:

The time should display leading zeros, maybe configurable via the ini file.

Atm: 7:1

Preferred: 07:01

Also as a metric user I would love to see an option to switch between MPH/KPH.


Could someone please send me the ideal position for a 1920x1080 monitor? (Preferred centered bottom)

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Awesome mod. Finally an alternative to PLD which causes less dependencies (only RPH so far).

But I have two suggestions:

The time should display leading zeros, maybe configurable via the ini file.

Atm: 7:1

Preferred: 07:01

Also as a metric user I would love to see an option to switch between MPH/KPH.


Could someone please send me the ideal position for a 1920x1080 monitor? (Preferred centered bottom)


Will be added. Both suggestions.



in provided with plugin ini file. Should be fine. If it doesn't fit best add / substract to X axis some pixels.

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quick question how do u switch to mph ?


In plugin's ini file (newer versions) there is setting for it. In example "metric_units=0" means Imperial units will be used, when You set it to "1" ("metric_units=1") plugin will use metric units instead and automatically convert MPH to KMPH.

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Nice Job!  Suggestion: would it be possible to add an option to the INI to turn off the green box?  The box is a little distracting in my opinion.  Thanks for the mod though...very useful for those of us who only use ragehook!

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I'm currently using Ragehook .26, but this mod will not appear on the Plugin tab when I hold shift (yes, it's in the Plugin folder). When I try to launch it from ragehook's console while in game, it comes up with a CLR Assembly error.

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I'm currently using Ragehook .26, but this mod will not appear on the Plugin tab when I hold shift (yes, it's in the Plugin folder). When I try to launch it from ragehook's console while in game, it comes up with a CLR Assembly error.

Plugin has been updated for RPH 0.28 today

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On 10/26/2015, 2:31:53, w35 said:

Plugin has been updated for RPH 0.28 today

Thank you! I'll re-download it and try it out. I've also updated to RPH 0.28

Ah I've figured out why it hasn't been working for me...When I try to extract the file, it's not extracting cleanly. So it's nothing on your end, I just need to find a free application to unzip .7z files.

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17 minutes ago, carita51 said:


Thank you! I'll re-download it and try it out. I've also updated to RPH 0.28

Ah I've figured out why it hasn't been working for me...When I try to extract the file, it's not extracting cleanly. So it's nothing on your end, I just need to find a free application to unzip .7z files.


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