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Ah, Spring, longer days, warmer temps. Enjoy.spring flowers and tree with greenery
image of tree with green leaves  
Recovery International is a peer-led self-help mental health group offering a safe place to express your feelings without being judged and support, acceptance and encouragement. RI has helped members for over 75 years to identify and manage negative thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviors that can lead to emotional distress and related physical symptoms.
Meetings are at PILS every Monday 2pm-4pm.   
Contact Joe G. at 845-803-9683 for more information.

Education Advocacy - 15 Workshops March - May 2016 
Offering15 free Workshops ranging from Allergies to Transitioning out of High School to Understanding the CSE Process. More information here. 
Lisa Tarricone
Lisa Tarricone
Assisted Suicide - what's Your take?
The New York Association on Independent Living (NYAIL) and the Alliance Against Assisted Suicide are working to ensure their message is heard by policy makers and the general public.
 Watch and listen to this interview with Adam Prizio, Center for Disability Rights, and Lisa Tarricone, Westchester Independent Living Center, on Capitol Tonight, outlining the disability community's opposition against assisted suicide. Abuses have occurred in other states and they point out the danger it may present to people with disabilities and other vulnerable populations if legalized in New York. Click here for interview.

west point foundry 3 story brick deep in the woods
Foundry office the last intact building
West Point Foundry Preserve
Experience the sights and sounds of a 19th-century ironworks: Take a unique audiovisual tour of the West Point Foundry Preserve by visiting using any web-enabled device. You can visit the site, see vintage photographs and hear the history.

April 15 calendar tax day It's tax time
For some tips on tax deductions and credits for special needs families read this Special Needs Planning Blog from Bernard A. Krooks, Attorney. 

Westchester Independent Living Center 

a not-for-profit, community based, consumer directed organization

dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities

Core Services

 Benefits/Entitlements, Info/Referrals, Community Outreach, Peer Advisement
Independent Living Skills, Individual & Systems Advocacy
Deaf Services, Equal Access

WIlC and PILS have many FREE programs
at both centers

Westchester Independent Living Center, Inc., 10 County Center Road, 2nd floor, White Plains, NY 10607
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