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Field research breakthrough complete! 7 stamp rewards [SPOILERS]

I just completed the 7 day field research streak and received: Encounter with Moltres

2000 dust 3 rare candy 3000 exp

Uploading proof right now.

Done in Finland (first stamp at 23pm march 30th)

Edit: You can use berries and any balls you have (ultras etc) to catch it. Caught it with first grazz+ultra curve

Edit: Some screenshots:

Got too excited to take a picture from every screen, you get the other item rewards between the willow and moltres encounter. You can also save up the moltres encounter like any other reward.

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u/Tippin187 avatar

Wonder what we get after our next 7 day research streak? Another Moltres?

Yes and they will Probably rotate monthly together with the other quest pokemon encounters. Niantic said quests will have themes this month it is fire.

fire can mean Entei too

u/massi4h avatar

And also Ho-oh

u/jaytee213 avatar

OMG I would love this! I was without a car the month that Entei came to my area and couldn't make it out to raid enough to catch one!

If they do this for all legendary Pokémon then that will seriously turn my love-hate relationship with this game around.

As a rural player who has to work way more than they'd like, it is nearly impossible for me to get together, and get to, a legendary raid.

If I'm finally able to have legendary Pokémon without having to roll he dice as to who shows up to a raid, I'll be so happy.

u/CarlRJ avatar

I suspect this was a matter of "killing N birds with one stone", but surely one of those birds was, "how to help rural players who get shut out of raids for want of nearby gyms or sufficient willing/able trainers." And I think it is a brilliant move. It also gives everyone new and different content besides the raiding scene and the now-stale gym scene (one or more of the other birds).

Similar to how they handled the stardust "problem", not by giving us mountains of stardust (there were so many suggestions here that all worked out to this), but instead by giving us weather, which gives occasional access to level 35 mons in the wild, who need less powering up, and makes it so all mons can "punch above their weight class" when their weather is in effect.

u/Biscoman avatar

This. I can go to raids but nobody shows up, moltres will be my first legendary and i'm pretty happy

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u/jaytee213 avatar

Yes!! Same here!! I'm in a suburban area with active Discord raid groups BUT I am gone at work 10 hours out of the day and have responsibilities when I get home which really only leave me with my commute home to hopefully catch a raid... I've only missed Entei, Rayquaza and Kyogre completely so far but it would be amazing to have them all eventually available this way!!!

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u/CarlRJ avatar

They're doing this specifically for you. Er, not you personally, but the collected group worldwide who didn't get legendary X during the first window it was available. This is a cool alternative versus having every past legendary each come back for a few weeks every year (that model is not very sustainable as more lefendaries are added to the pool).

I prefer this... I don't have time to run to L5 gyms and pray that at least 4 other people in my neighborhood can take time to come fight... getting legendaries this way is great...

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u/Grimey_Rick avatar

Niantic said quests will have themes this month it is fire.

source? I must have missed this

u/quantum_man avatar

I think he is referring to the fact that the majority of encounters during field research are fire Pokémon

u/Grimey_Rick avatar

I understand that. I was requesting the article/post where he got the information from. he posted it somewhere in this thread.

while the evidence reflects this might be what they are doing, it has not been outright confirmed.

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u/DementedWarrior avatar

Hmm when they say play on common themes I think they mean more of keeping quests related to the core themes of the game: catching different types of Pokémon, exploring new places, etc..

I don’t think they literally meant quests will be themed with types every month (they certainly never mentioned a month to month system)

A lot of people like to take these kind of statements as fact when they read them so be careful when you speculate

u/StoicThePariah avatar

It's also based on the quest rewards. Most encounters are Fire types like Numel, Charmander, and Flareon.

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u/Castal avatar

That's a good idea, I think -- keeps things fresh. Do you have a link to where they said that?

Well the blog post about how they made it. I quote "Another tenet we focused on was that research tasks should feel grounded in the world of Pokémon GO and should play on common themes."

"Themed research tasks should also subtly communicate core knowledge about Pokémon, such as type advantage or Evolution, without feeling like an explicit tutorial."

And then charles found code that these were the April quests and rewards.

And most quest rewards are fire pokemon atm

While it still doesn't confirm it 100% i have a feeling this is how it is going to work

Does that mean, that we will have a chance at other fire legendary this month??

Like entei?

Maybe maybe not i have a feeling its going to stay moltres for this month because of gen 1 mew and mostly gen 1 fire type encounters

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Niantic said quests will have themes this month it is fire.

was this confirmed?

When does Niantic confirm anything? :)

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u/sWiSs85 avatar

Can he run away?

u/mattyboy247 avatar

This was my thought as well. I was thinking of pinaping him. It seems like a pretty solid catch rate for the encounters.

u/lemmings121 avatar

whats the base catch rate? isnt it still 2%?

Yes but you can use ultraballs now!

u/B00uh avatar

I don't think the base catch rate is still 3%. According to Gamepress Catch Calculator, a Level 15 Moltres with GRB + Pokeball should have 5% catch rate per throw. Which means red circle. Nothing close to that yellow-orange-ish circle I had. But I may be mistaken.

Well yes, forgot it's lv 15 not 20.

What I wanted to say is that the BCR hasn't changed (at least looking at latest game_master), then ofc the actual CR depends on pokemon level, pokeball, berry and medals. What doesn't affect the color is the "curve" and "nice/great/excellent" throws, those are accounted for during the actual catch roll.

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u/lemmings121 avatar

and only lvl 15.... :)

but now they can flee, i'm scared to pinap

Yeah, pinap in this case is a dangerous game :-D

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u/Spidertotz avatar

No, it's 3%

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u/i3uu avatar

I'ma wait until someone else posts about him running before I pinap my legendaries!

u/shaded-dreamer avatar
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Perfect CP for level 15 Moltres is 1402 for anyone weighing using pinaps versus golden razzes.

I am actually curious - you can run from Mew and from the Moltres encounter... but you can't see Mew's CP so I didn't think to ask about that one.

If you run, does it let you redo the encounter? And if so, will it reroll the IVs? I'm genuinely curious, since if you could "soft reset" for better IVs I would.

I don't want to be the first to try running from a quest Moltres though...

u/b4y4rd avatar

You can run, but it keeps the berry you use on it and same cp. So you can't reset it's ivs

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since it (apparently) can't flee, pinap all the way (unless you're low on balls)

u/jej218 avatar

I don't have one yet, so I'm probably just gonna GRB haha.

Where did you read that it can't flee?

It has been discussed in other comment threads, no one has reported a Moltres fleeing and personally, I've had Moltres break out of nearly 20 balls before I caught it. Since other quest encounters can't flee either, it seems fleeing is deactivated for legendary quest encounters, too.

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Is it not 1403?


Edit: Shermlock is correct. 1402 is 100%

I’m guessing your source has a rounding error as both pokebattler and pokeassistant are saying 1402, but you could be correct.

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u/CarlRJ avatar

You might get 101% IVs!!!

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I had no idea and pinaped a 100iv :)....

Worked 😁

Sure u did :wink wink:

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Yeah, I had a hard enough time catching it the first time around. No way am I taking a chance.

u/axnjxn00 avatar

Pokemon from reward encounters cannot flee

Thanks. I still have trust issues. :(

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Level 15

Yes! Mine was a beautiful level 15 67% 10-10-10 iv


So that's the weakest Moltres obtainable, might be a collectible! Now it just needs the worst moveset too.

u/swim2231 avatar

It already has that too hahaha. (Heat wave is clearly visible in the screenshot)

I got a 10/10/11 Mew... not even worst possible, worst one to catch I guess =/

u/madonna-boy avatar

to be fair mew's IVs don't really matter... I doubt anyone is maxing it out and it doesn't have a place in the meta anyway... any mew is a good mew.

u/javignacio7 avatar

I am :)

u/runningroer avatar

Not true! I maxed mine out the moment I got it on Sunday. I'm dumping excess TMs into it hoping for a DT/DC moveset.

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One of the guys in our discord got the lowest possible mew, would that make it the ultimate collectable? 🤔

u/thehatteryone avatar

Yes - I'd much rather have a 10/10/10 mew than my 10/11/11.

u/hueyfav avatar

I got a 10/10/10 at the same time one of our group got a 15/15/15 we both congratulated each other!

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u/JayO28 avatar

I was ecstatic when I got a 10/10/10 Mewtwo. I love collecting zeroes so this is as good as it gets!

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Presumably the weakest - we don’t know for sure yet, right?

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u/benutzername1337 avatar

The ultimate trophy!

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Perfect Moltres

It's a perfect 10. Name her Bo Derek.

omg that rng; it's hyper rare as the 100%, you are lucky :D

u/Kingston228 avatar

Same as my Mew

u/siamkor avatar

What was the CP?

Do you use an app to calculate the level/IV?

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u/mashonem avatar

I’m just glad I actually get the chance to catch legends since raids are out of the question

Right, but to go from 15 to 20 is only 20 candy and less than 22000 stardust.

I wish the encounters were at raid or egg level, too, but it’s not too much to get it to that point.

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u/rzx123 avatar

But can it flee or is it safe to Pinap it?


I pinaped it. The circle was yellow

Pinaped it too 5 minutes ago, but my circle was deep in the red. Maybe something changed?

Were you using an Ultra Ball or just a regular Pokeball? I'm thinking maybe they used Ultra and you used regular?

Ultra ball for sure.

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u/foosee avatar

Same here, pinap + ultra = red

Catched 96% ;-)

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How many balls did it take?

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u/Ark42 avatar

I didn't get any rare candy, just 5 pineapples. Also, immediately after the screen where the professor said "Let's see what we've discovered" I was presented with the ghastly from the research I turned in for the last stamp! Lol... After that, I could go back to the screen and click on the button to get the Moltres encounter, but that kind of timing of the screens will be terrible for people who aren't expecting Moltres.

Also, I caught it on the second ball, so I assume it's possible for it to run away.

Mine is glitched and all spazzy. I can't see my pokeballs so I don't know where they are going. The targeting circle looks more like an egg. Spent 50+ balls so far. I'd upload a video but know how.

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u/Spidertotz avatar

So we don't know if the Escape bonus multiplier has been implemented yet, but here is a breakdown for the moltres catch rate with Gold medal in both flying and fire: (all nice, great and excellent throw uses an average value of 1.15, 1.5 and 1.85).

Moltres LVL 15
Multiplier Single throw catch rate
Poké Ball 3.75%
Poké Ball Nice 4.30%
Great Ball 5.58%
Poké Ball great 5.58%
Poké Ball Razz 5.58%
Poké Ball Curve 6.29%
Great Ball Nice 6.38%
Poké Ball Nice Razz 6.38%
Poké Ball excellent 6.83%
Poké Ball Nice Curve 7.20%
Ultra Ball 7.36%
Great Ball great 8.25%
Great Ball Razz 8.25%
Poké Ball great Razz 8.25%
Ultra Ball Nice 8.42%
Poké Ball Golden Razz 9.12%
Poké Ball Razz Curve 9.29%
Great Ball Curve 9.29%
Poké Ball great Curve 9.29%
Great Ball Nice Razz 9.42%
Great Ball excellent 10.07%
Poké Ball excellent Razz 10.07%
Poké Ball Nice Golden Razz 10.41%
Poké Ball Nice Razz Curve 10.61%
Great Ball Nice Curve 10.61%
Ultra Ball great 10.84%
Ultra Ball Razz 10.84%
Poké Ball excellent Curve 11.33%
Great Ball great Razz 12.11%
Ultra Ball Curve 12.19%
Ultra Ball Nice Razz 12.36%
Ultra Ball excellent 13.20%
Great Ball Golden Razz 13.36%
Poké Ball great Golden Razz 13.36%
Poké Ball great Razz Curve 13.61%
Great Ball Razz Curve 13.61%
Great Ball great Curve 13.61%
Ultra Ball Nice Curve 13.89%
Great Ball excellent Razz 14.72%
Poké Ball Golden Razz Curve 15.00%
Great Ball Nice Golden Razz 15.21%
Great Ball Nice Razz Curve 15.48%
Ultra Ball great Razz 15.81%
Poké Ball excellent Golden Razz 16.21%
Poké Ball excellent Razz Curve 16.51%
Great Ball excellent Curve 16.51%
Poké Ball Nice Golden Razz Curve 17.05%
Ultra Ball Golden Razz 17.41%
Ultra Ball Razz Curve 17.72%
Ultra Ball great Curve 17.72%
Ultra Ball excellent Razz 19.12%
Great Ball great Golden Razz 19.36%
Great Ball great Razz Curve 19.70%
Ultra Ball Nice Golden Razz 19.74%
Ultra Ball Nice! Razz Curve 20.09%
Ultra Ball excellent Curve 21.38%
Poké Ball great Golden Razz Curve 21.64%
Great Ball Golden Razz Curve 21.64%
Great Ball excellent Golden Razz 23.30%
Great Ball excellent Razz Curve 23.71%
Great Ball Nice Golden Razz Curve 24.45%
Ultra Ball great Golden Razz 24.94%
Ultra Ball great Razz Curve 25.37%
Poké Ball excellent Golden Razz Curve 25.97%
Ultra Ball Golden Razz Curve 27.75%
Ultra Ball excellent Golden Razz 29.80%
Ultra Ball excellent Razz Curve 30.29%
Great Ball great Golden Razz Curve 30.63%
Ultra Ball Nice Golden Razz Curve 31.19%
Great Ball excellent Golden Razz Curve 36.30%
Ultra Ball great Golden Razz Curve 38.59%
Ultra Ball excellent Golden Razz Curve 45.20%​

Edit: Added a few missing combinations.

u/jedijon1 avatar

Is this chart missing just the ball + curve results? Every curve result is combined with some type of Razz.

u/Spidertotz avatar

Good catch, will fix that.

u/kateh17 avatar

Still missing Ultra Great Curve no berry.

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u/B00uh avatar

Great info. Does it assume golden medal for both its types?

u/Spidertotz avatar

Yes it does, sorry, will add that info.

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Oh ew, 5 ultra balls instead of Rare Candy seems like a really bad trade to me

How about 5 pinaps?

Honestly, if rare candy is an option anything else seems lesser to me

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A friend of mine and me both got 20 normal balls instead of rare candy or ultra balls.

Edit (picture proof):

u/Ark42 avatar

Wow, what an insult for a "mystery item"... lol...

Those are the exact rewards I got :(

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Ouch, that sucks. This is the first post I've seen that's had it flee.


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Ah, that makes sense. So can you go back and get your Moltres or does the egg hatching bug block you from getting it?

u/uh_oh_hotdog avatar

I assume you can re-encounter if you glitch out. Similar to how you can re-encounter your other gifted encounters if you run or your game crashes.

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u/B00uh avatar

Please take a screenshot of the jounral's entry.

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I don't get it, nowhere in the world it is 5th of April right now?! edit: ok it is in Kiribati ;D

u/AmInATizzy avatar

Presumably they have put their phone in a timezone ahead of Europe to allow them to complete the 7th task on the 5th.

Yeah I know that, but I was looking at the timezones and didn't see one where it was already the 5th, but I did miss one ;)

u/AmInATizzy avatar

Sorry. Misunderstood

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I tried that and it didnt give me the stamp

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u/nocountryforoldcrows avatar

I was thinking the same thing. I got my first stamp on the 30th, too, but I'm only at six stamps. Maybe they flew to another time zone?

No you only have to change the timezone on your phone.

u/nocountryforoldcrows avatar

Okay, cool. Thanks for the info!

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Can this Moltres flee?

the real question

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u/Mudgeon avatar

Damn finally being able to get these Pokémon is going to be awesome!

u/igoradamenko avatar

By the way, it seems like this Molters is always non-boosted by weather. I have clear weather in the game, but Molters has almost the same CP as OP's.

It is known that quest pokemin encounters aren't agfected by the weather.

u/igoradamenko avatar

It's sad, but fair.

u/thE_29 avatar

Otherwhise most of the players would wait for the right weather, to get a lvl20 out of it..

u/Fallom_TO avatar

Yes, otherwise everyone would just hold onto them until the weather changed favourably.

u/LegitimateSea avatar

Or you'd even be able to re-roll the IV after fleeing if you weren't satisfied.

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u/Evindow avatar

but...can it be shiny?

u/Wearifulosprey9 avatar

This. I would expect it to not be available as a shiny but instead have its shiny available as a re-release like Lugia.


Agree. Shinies sell raid passes

u/imtoooldforreddit avatar

But there is simply not enough time to do 2 months of every legendary

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Has anyone not gotten a Moltres Encounter? Has anyone had a Moltres that fled?

u/Arbok9782 avatar

What I'm curious on as well. Will be the difference between using golden razzs and pinaps on it.

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u/B00uh avatar

Here's is my encounter.

Congrats !

Have you another questline after you completed this one ?

Yes, it shows me another 7 empty stamps just like before starting the first week.

u/Hiddans avatar

Did you try to complete field research for the first stamp already? If it’s working then the cycle could be shortened by at least a day using this time zone trick.


It doesn't work, didn't get another stamp

u/Hiddans avatar

Okay, thanks for testing it! Probably good it didn't work, it would be so exploited if it did.

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u/NotMegalodon avatar

Asking the real question here!

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u/VanNover avatar

I got no candy but 20 normal pokeballs 🤣

Rest the same.

Could get different rewards, I got razz and pinap berries

Did you also get Moltres?


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u/Ark42 avatar

I only got 5 pineapples. I don't need Moltres or berries, so the rare candies once every 7 days was the most exciting possibility here. Berries are such a kick in the gut. Over 200 field research completed so far and I haven't even found a regular quest that awards rare candy either. Literally the only thing I want from this quest system and I can't find it at all.

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u/MegaSharkReddit avatar

Are you Team Valor?

Yes, but apparently its the same for all teams.

u/MegaSharkReddit avatar

I'll know in 12 minutes

Did you find out? :D

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I wonder if it does rotate every week..I guess we will find out next week.


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u/TMWHerrJon avatar

You wanted a fire chicken, right?

u/CarlRJ avatar

Which one is baked vs. flame broiled?

u/TMWHerrJon avatar

Moltres is flame broiled, Torchic is microwaved

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This is exactly what I expected after the Moltres info leaked. I thought to myself the rewards will probably Moltres, XP and Stardust (as always) and maybe rare Candy.

u/B00uh avatar

I received +2000 Stardusts, +2000 XP and +5 Ultraball (that's what my journal says).

u/Ark42 avatar

I got 5 pineapples... I'm not really sure how Niantic thinks this is about the same. 3 rare candies should be like 50 ultraballs or 100 pineapples. But I literally only want the rare candies. I wouldn't care if my Moltres ran away, and I didn't get any XP or stardust. Quite disappointing for me after 7 days. I understand raids don't always give me rare candy, but I can do 1.5 of them per day on average for free, so I'm bound to get 3 or 6 from a raid somewhat regularly. Waiting 7 days doing these research tasks for no rare candies really took the fun out of it for me.

u/Mrexreturns avatar

I just want a charged tm but it does not seem to be in the reward pool.

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u/Readmymind avatar

It's not equal in value and they know it. Rare candy inflation is a thing and they want to avoid it. On top of that, to niantic, it's a huge draw for people to raid

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Just noticed that the journal says 2000xp and the reward screen says 3000xp.

u/Dryblas avatar

Is catchrate "normal" or 100%?

u/SpecB avatar

I've just seen a video from someone and it definitely isn't 100%, as it broke out of the ball a few times.

It can't run away though can it?

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Interesting. Do you have a link to the video?

u/B00uh avatar
u/SpecB avatar

I do not, it was posted on Facebook, but B00uh's video shows essentially the same. :)

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I had a orange/red circle with golden razz and ultra ball but caught on first try

Also caught it with the first throw

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You can use ultra ball. So will be easier than moltres from raids. :)

u/Magnesiumbox avatar

It's also level 15 instead of 20. Another factor in making it easier to catch.

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I got a lvl15 Moltres also!

Really we need people to start staggering their research streaks now so we'll know the exact days that the reward changes.

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u/SvenParadox avatar

Lmao that pic of the professor. Damn Daniel!

u/mybham avatar
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Good to see SPOILER ALERT in Pokemon Go.

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u/massi4h avatar

After finishing the Moltres encounter, can you get a stamp for that day too or do you have to wait the next day?

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u/Vindexxx avatar

There was a small part of me hoping the reward would be random for everyone. I would have liked seeing a possibility of any legendary so I can hear about the variety people got. Of course then that would mean the possibility of getting a lot of repeats each week. But with this know what you're going to get or you know you're going to get the same as everyone else. The only surprise is the IVs.

Definitely not complaining. I'm very appreciative of this way. I just like the element of surprise and possibility of hearing my friends tell me they got a really good raikou while another may have got a good zapdos and so on. However, the current way is probably the best way at this time.

u/supercerealkilla avatar

Willow looks wasted

I can get the legendaries without having to do raids!

u/MegaSharkReddit avatar

but... next week can I catch an Articuno?

u/siamkor avatar

Next month, probably.

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What is Moltres run rate? I'd hate it if he popped and ran after one ball.

u/HappyDDR avatar

I don't think anyone has actually seen it run yet. Maybe it just sticks around until you catch it.

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u/Mety333 avatar

Ultra with pineapple on 3rd ball with great throw. 80 iv sucks. My first one because i didnt play the raid of gen 1 and 2

Wonder if a Shiny is possible?

u/vespors avatar

Does it have to be 7 days in a row for moltres?

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u/rissa39 avatar

Man I was hoping ditto would be the reward.

I wonder if the types of quests you use to fulfill the stamps affect your rewards?

u/snave_ avatar

I assume we're going to politely ignore Willow looking less than well, or less than sober in that pic...


Moltres, so it's probably the same for everyone and no randomness involved. Pity. We'll probably get more reports in the next few minutes.

Well I'll still be happy with getting my first legendary, flaming chicken or no. But would have been cool to have a chance at any of the released ones.

u/mwar123 avatar

I was really hoping for random legendary. Having everyone get Moltres is kind of annoying. Will we always get Moltres then?

Don't ask for random legendary... You would never end up with the one you want.

u/CarlRJ avatar

"Niantic has heard your request for a random legendary!
Your random legendary is Suicune!
You're welcome!"

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I'm sure there will be some kind of rotation system. Might be Niantic will flip a switch and then the quests start giving another bird, or might be that 2nd completed week will give Zapdos or something, no matter how long you wait to complete it. I guess time will tell.

Probably until it gets rotated. When the rotation will happen is another question.

u/benutzername1337 avatar

I'd say once a month. Someone found intern quest names in the network traffic, called something like xxx_APRIL. This may hint on new quests (and rewards?) every month.

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Nice! Thank you so much for posting this! :)

u/JayO28 avatar

Willow looks blazed in that first screenshot. How fitting!

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If these rewards change weekly I wonder how many weeks it will take for them to catch up with the Raid Legendaries.

This is huge news for players not on a team, as they will finally have the opportunity to catch a legendary!

(Teamless players are unable to catch Mew due to being unable to complete the 2 raid task)

Technically nothing's stopping them from being able to catch mew

Because they can simply pick a team like the vast majority of us?

Or because they can't be unable to catch something that doesn't exist? :P

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These don't need to be completed in consecutive days do they?

Nope! You can skip days without losing your place, thankfully.

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I made a quick video if anyone is interested.

Can Moltres flee? Seen a lot of reports, but everyone caught it.

Oh that's awesome, you get all of them! When I first saw the rewards I was disappointed that it would be an RNG roll for one of the bunch. That is a reaslly nice reward cache.

u/CivilBindle avatar

This was fun. I actually had more fun catching this moltres than the raid ones last summer.

...but those were still fun :)