精華區beta WOW 關於我們 聯絡資訊
看到上面大災難討論串提到老薩的神威 讓我想起wowwiki上的外國鄉民惡搞大王事蹟XD http://www.wowwiki.com/Saurfang_facts (其實也是從島上看到的連結啦) 挑幾個比較有趣的 Saurfang taxes all the creatures that using cleave. 薩魯法爾大王向所有會用順劈斬的生物收稅 Saurfang once chain cleaved The Exodar, the cleave then bounced to Darnassus followed on to Stormwind where it then finally hit Ironforge. He did this chain cleave because he wanted the For the horde achievement for the 1337th time. 大王有次順劈了艾克索達,這順劈彈到了達那蘇斯然後是暴風城,最後打到了鐵爐堡。 為的只是達成他第1337次的[為了部落!]成就 Saurfang once spit, that pool of spit is known as Darrowmere Lake. 大王有次吐了口口水,後人稱那攤口水為達隆米爾湖(西瘟通靈外面的那個湖) Saurfang decided in the middle of June 2009 that he needed some alone time. So now we're all stuck on the "Authenticating" screen. 在2009年六月中的時候,大王想要一個人靜一靜 那就是為什麼我們卡在"認證中"的畫面 When Saurfang was a kid, someone gave him Lincoln Logs. He was so happy,he decided to put his pet slime in. These days, we call the whole thing Ulduar. 當大王還是個孩子的時候,有人送他Lincoln Logs玩具(一種積木類玩具) 他很高興,並決定把他的寵物軟泥怪放進去。如今,我們稱那東西叫奧杜亞 Saurfang once used a toothpick (after eating planets, of course). We now call that toothpick Frostmourne. 大王有次用了支牙籤(在嗑掉一顆行星之後),現在我們稱那牙籤叫霜之哀傷 If Saurfang were to wield The Unstoppable Force, a paradox would be created as Saurfang is already unstoppable. 如果大王拿起了[無堅不摧之力](60奧山鎚)將會產生一個矛盾 ---因為大王原本就已經無堅不摧 Saurfang CAN make a silent crusader talk, even through it is a sword. 大王可以讓[靜默十字軍](25naxx小兵掉落單手劍)說話,即使那是把劍。 Saurfang can tame druids. 大王可以馴養德魯伊 Saurfang does not use his full strength with Cleave anymore. He thought one Sundering was enough. 大王再也不全力順劈斬了,因為他認為一次的大爆炸就夠了(永恆之井那次) No one has ever seen Saurfang's angry face, because his cleave moves faster than his facial expression can change. 沒人看過大王生氣的臉,因為在你看到他的表情變化之前順劈斬已經砍下來了 You know, it's not Kil'jaeden who Kael is trying to summon from the Sunwell. It's actually Saurfang. 大家都知道,阿凱在太陽之井想要召喚的其實是薩魯法爾大王而不是雞蛋 When High Overlord Saurfang AFK's out of a Battle Ground, YOU get the deserter debuff. 當大王從戰場中AFK時,是你會得到逃亡者的Debuff Saurfang gets the "Your target is dead" message any time he tries to use a skill on anyone, because if he's targeting you, you're already done for. 當大王想用隨便一個技能時總是傳回"你的目標已死亡" 因為只要大王點到你,你已經死了 Saurfang starred in the movie "Saturday Night Cleaver". 大王曾經在"週末夜順劈"中演出。 週末夜狂歡(Saturday Night Fever)惡搞 The Gates of Ahn'Qiraj opened when Saurfang zoned in on Silithus. 當大王一踏進希莉蘇斯時,安琪拉之門就應聲打開了 Saurfang's tears cure the Plague of Undeath. Too bad Saurfang never cries. 大王的眼淚可以治療不死瘟疫,只可惜大王從不哭 Saurfang has never needed to level his weapon skill. Even if his attack misses, you will still die. 大王從不需要練他的武器技能,因為就算他的攻擊沒打中,你還是會死。 High Overlord Saurfang considers "Two-Hand" to just be a suggestion for his weapon, not a requirement. 對大王來說,武器上標示的"雙手"只不過是建議,而不是需求。 其他還有一堆,全翻會死人XD -- 親友團 帳號綁定 飾品 裝備:確保你的出團位置,並提高你在團中取得裝備的機率。 裝備:降低其他未裝備此項物品之隊友對你所造成的中傷,並有機會反彈此傷害。 "嗚喔喔喔!!我有朋友我超強!!!" -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
cbull:新版本的惡搞XD 09/30 19:23
xpp6210:簽名檔真靠背 09/30 19:24
hydra6716:薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神薩神 09/30 19:24
memy:這是一朗傳說嗎... 09/30 19:27
strray:全盛時期的薩魯法爾大王傳說XDDDD 09/30 19:27
notgoodcow:這是魔獸版的一朗傳說嗎... 09/30 19:28
aggressorX:因為就算他的攻擊沒打中,你還是會死。 XDDDDDD 09/30 19:28
SITC:薩魯法爾大王!薩魯法爾大王!薩魯法爾大王!薩魯法爾大王!薩魯 09/30 19:29
CrazyLord:全盛時期的薩魯法爾大王傳說XDDDDDD 09/30 19:30
ab110549: 當大王使用致死打擊時是今天晚上想吃咖哩的暗號 09/30 19:31
wiiann:薩神傳說! 09/30 19:34
feenix:這樣看過來 最可怕的還是他想要一個靜一靜~ 09/30 19:35
samjo:薩魯法爾踏入副本的那一霎那 隊長就必須準備好DKP表分裝了 09/30 19:36
realashar:http://tinyurl.com/y93v794 可惜這傳說中的威猛打擊在 09/30 19:37
hydra6716:裝都直接call loot給薩神 分什麼裝 09/30 19:38
realashar:Wotlk後被改成一個很弱的Self Buff.... 09/30 19:38
ef9527:對大王來說,武器上標示的"雙手"只不過是建議,而不是需求 09/30 19:38
aletheia:High Overlord Saurfang CAN divide by zero. 09/30 19:39
wzmildf:這是一朗傳說吧 xd 09/30 19:41
enchyi:一朗傳說 XDDDDDDDD 跪求樓上紳士傳說 09/30 19:42
libramog:XD 09/30 19:42
demonlayer:一朗傳說XDDD 09/30 19:42
notgoodcow:薩大要踏進副本的那一剎那 小王就出副本給薩大挑裝了 09/30 19:43
ToyLoli:XD 09/30 19:43
cbull:薩神表示今天晚上想吃咖哩飯ww 09/30 19:44
samjo:當對方接到被薩魯法爾砍飛的頭顱 發現上面已經刻上名字 09/30 19:45