Hotel Ungheria Varese 1946 ***

Viale Luigi Borri, 98 - Varese (VA) - Italy - +39 0332 264325

Hotel Ungheria Varese 1946

Why booking online?

Best rate guarantee : Wide choice of room categories and amenities at the best available rate

Secure, easy and quick reservation process : secure booking service (Secure Server), quick and with an immediately confirmation.

Privacy : we assure you that your personal information and your credit card number will be treated with the maximum security and discretion.

Do you wish to book a room?

Please check the availability for the requested period and book directly through out tested and secure bookonline service.
In a very short time you will receive an e-mail confirmation at your personal e-mail address.

Do you wish to cancel a booking?

To cancel a reservation, in respect of our cancellation policy, please select "Cancel reservation" and insert your booking number.

Thank you for choosing us !

Why booking online?

Best rate guarantee : Wide choice of room categories and amenities at the best available rate

Secure, easy and quick reservation process : secure booking service (Secure Server), quick and with an immediately confirmation.

Privacy : we assure you that your personal information and your credit card number will be treated with the maximum security and discretion.

Do you wish to book a room?

Please check the availability for the requested period and book directly through out tested and secure bookonline service.
In a very short time you will receive an e-mail confirmation at your personal e-mail address.

Do you wish to cancel a booking?

To cancel a reservation, in respect of our cancellation policy, please select "Cancel reservation" and insert your booking number.

Thank you for choosing us !