Initial Support to a NoSQL JSR
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Eclipse JNoSQL is a Java framework that streamlines the integration of a Java application with the NoSQL database. It defines a set of APIs to interact with the NoSQL database and provides a standard implementation for most NoSQL databases. This clearly helps to achieve very low coupling with the underlying NoSQL technologies used in applications.

The project has two layers:

* Communication API: These are set to APIs that define communication with NoSQL database. In the traditional RDBMS world, these can be compared with JDBC APIs. This API set contains four modules with each one representing a NoSQL database storage type like Key-Value pair, Column Family etc.
* Mapping API: These are the APIs that help developers integrate their Java application with the NoSQL database. This layer is annotation-driven and uses technologies like CDI and Bean Validations to make it simpler for developers. In the traditional RDBMS world, this layer can be compared to JPA or ORM frameworks.

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