Apply for staff here.
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Welcome back!
We sure did miss you. And apparently you missed us so much that you wanna work as staff? Oh my, you shouldn't have!

Becoming a staff member is easy. It just takes a LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTLE creativity and an organized mind. So let's get started, yeah?

[ WHAT WE'RE LOOKING FOR ] Current mode: OPEN APPLICATIONS. If you believe that you can be an asset to the staff team for whatever reason, please do go ahead and apply; we'll simply sort the people that we take on into appropriate positions afterwards!

We do not have a set number of staff in mind that we're looking to take on. we'd just like to take on whoever we believe will be a good fit and be a positive addition to the staff team - so depending on the applications, we could easily take on everyone who applied, or none (hopefully not this, though).

Staff will most likely be accepted on a ROLLING BASIS; this means that we will not wait until a certian date to review all the applications, but rather, be taking people on as suitable applications are turned in.

First of all, who are you? *
Write in your Facebook Name.
Contribution *
tell us what your contribution as a staff member would be. it can be the skills you possess (if you can code, gfx, etcetera), or cool ideas you to implement, or even just the availability and ability to maintain the site (this is just as important as everything else!). you can even think outside the box - it doesn't have to be the standard 'coding, site maintenance, etc' contribution. if you think you have something to offer outside of the typical route, then go ahead and tell us this here!
Availability *
how often are you available to do staff work? please be completely honest - this will not be a deciding factor in our review of your application. even if you don't have tons of time to do work, if we feel as though you'll be a great asset to the team, we will likely still accept your app.we just ask that everyone be honest here, so that we can place you in a position that best fits your availability. furthermore, it'll make for less trouble later on - if we accept you as a staff knowing, going into it, that you won't be here 24/7, it's fine, but if you claim that you'll be around lots only to fall behind, it may become an issue.
if any, please list your previous site staffing experiences. this is not a necessity to apply! we just want to know.
What do you want to do? *
Pick that job, yo! And yes, you can do more than one.  I'm not so terrible as to make you fill out the form twice, hell nah... but you will have to enter into an application loop. Sorry. Stupid Google Form Limitations...
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