Alpha Build Sign Up Form
We collect your email address to send you the Steam Alpha Key and new feedback forms throughout our development period.

Thank you for showing interest in helping make the game better.

By signing up for the Alpha Build, you will have access to an early build that will likely contain errors, glitches, inconsistencies and crashes. Also, not all the content in the game is finished yet at this stage. You will find placeholder content as well as discovering certain features or assets are missing.

By filling in the form below, you confirm that you might be elected to play this early build. You will receive a Steam key to activate the game and play it. You can then leave feedback on the Feedback Form wich will be sent to you in an email.
E-Mail-Adresse *
System specifications
To display your system specifications on your Windows machine, go to Start and search for "System Information". You can type it in after clicking on Start.
CPU (Processor) (e.g. "i5 6600K) *
RAM (amount in GB) *
GPU (Graphics Card) *
Tester information
Fill in some basic information so we can get you set up in the community Discord as an Alpha Tester!

Community Discord:
Why do you want to play the Alpha Build? *
Discord name
Name for credits section (optional)
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