Place Branding Survey for Phillips County, MT
How do you see Phillips County?

A place's brand is more than just a logo - it is how that place is experienced by both residents and visitors alike.

The results of this survey are confidential and will only be used as input into the development of a Place Branding Strategy for Phillips County.

If you are a resident of Phillips County, please answer the following questions based on your experience as a resident. If you visit Phillips County, please answer the following questions based on the time you have spent in Phillips County as a visitor. If you have never visited Phillips County, MT, please answer the following questions based on your perception of the county.

The survey should take a few minutes to complete. Thank you for your thoughts and ideas about Phillips County!
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Phillips County, MT
1. I am a: (Choose one option from the list below) *
2. What is your age? *
Rate Phillips County on a scale of 1 to 5 in each of the following areas, where 1 = very weak, 3 = average and 5 = very strong. *
Very Weak
Very Strong
Job market
Housing options
Ease of doing business
Investment opportunities
Community Pride
Education and training
Crime prevention and community safety
Services and amenities
Access to childcare
Health and wellness
Arts and culture
Innovation and Creativity
Entertainment options
Natural surroundings
4. What do you value the MOST about Phillips County? (Please provide specific examples where possible). *
5. Which three words or phrases below best describe the FEELING you get when you think of Phillips County? (Please choose only three options from the list below).
6.  Which three words BEST describe Phillips County? *
7. What are the top three words/phrases that BEST identify Phillips County? *
8. In a few words or sentences, what makes Phillips County UNIQUE and DIFFERENT from other places? *
10.  Please describe your most valued experience in Phillips County. *
9. Please share any other thoughts that you have about your corner of Phillips County: *
Name (OPTIONAL  to be entered into $100 Dino Dollar Drawing)
Contact Phone or Email (OPTIONAL to be entered into $100 Dino Dollar Drawing)
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