Concurrent Servers
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1. How many packets are used for connection termination?
1 point
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2. During exchange of data, server sends data and ack of client request in a single packet is called...................
1 point
3. The value of sin6_family field for IPV6?
1 point
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4. inet_addr() is used to convert
1 point
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5........................... queue contains the entry from client for which three way handshake has been completed
1 point
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6. Return value by socket() is called as............
1 point
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7.................. displays only active TCP connections
1 point
8.sendto() is combination of
1 point
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9. recvfrom() is combination of
1 point
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10. The IANA maintains list of ..........
1 point
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11. int socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_RAW,0) returns
1 point
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12. The IP address and port number of client is and 100. The server IP address and port number is and 150. The socket pair is
2 points
13.The big endian byte order of 0x12374233
2 points
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