Inkling Magazine 2019/2020 Submission Form
Hi! We are Inkling, a nascent revival of UWCSEA's very own literary magazine. We want to collect pieces of literary and artistic creativity from all over the campus to be published in both print and digital formats on our web platform located at

We are looking for submissions from you! Feel free to share your style and personality with us, as we are looking for diversity. Literature related submissions should not exceed 700 words in length, and photography or artwork submitted should be at their highest resolution. Simultaneous submissions are allowed.

Simply send your piece as a google document through this form, and we will contact you once we have edited it. Thank you!
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Email *
Name and Mentor Class *
Write your name and current mentor group here. e.g. John Doe, 9AbC
What is the form of your piece? *
Insert the link to your Google Document. *
You MUST include the title of your piece and your name. You CAN include author biographies or other details as you deem fit. Make sure that has editing rights to your document.
I grant Inkling the right to publish my piece in an anthology under my name. *
Additional comments here.
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