WVC Chorus Survey: New Artistic Director
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Number of years with chorus:
How important are these characteristics in our new Artistic Director?
Not at all
Formal training as a choral conductor
Previous experience as a choral conductor
Previous experience as a conductor of a women’s chorus
Programs a wide variety of musical styles
Programs choral works composed by women
Challenges us musically
Communicates musical meaning of each piece and program as a whole
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Given the importance of desserts to the chorus, which should be the new Artistic Director’s favorite?
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How important are these characteristics in our new Artistic Director?
Not at all
Is an effective teacher
Focuses on vocal development of members
Is organized/prepared for rehearsals
Provides a welcoming place to sing
Continues to improve the quality of chorus and performances
Actively supports efforts to increase diversity in the chorus
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What is your favorite WVC backrub style?
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How important are these characteristics in our new Artistic Director?
Not at all
Regularly programs guest instrumentalists and soloists
Regularly selects soloists from the chorus
Collaborates with other choruses
Composes for the chorus
Works to build our audience and community support
Participates in professional development activities
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Are there personality traits you feel are important in our new Artistic Director? Please list:
What other characteristics of our new Artistic Director are important to you?
How would you like to see WVC develop in the future?
Other comments, thoughts, opinions about the new Artistic Director or the search process?
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