Advancement Extreme - Staff Application
General Application
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Email *
Are you in the Advancement Extreme Discord server? *
What is your Discord username and tag? *
What is your Minecraft username? *
What timezone are you in? *
On a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest, rate your maturity. *
Why do you wish to be a staff member on Advancement Extreme? (1+ paragraphs) *
Have you ever been a staff member on a Minecraft server before? If so, please include IPs or website information (Owner contact information will also suffice) *
What is one thing you like about the server, and why do you like it? (1+ paragraphs) *
What is one thing you don't like about the server, and why do you not like it? (1+ paragraphs) *
How would you suggest changing what you described in the question before this one? (1+ paragraphs) *
Why do you feel that you are a good candidate to be a staff member on the server? (1+ paragraphs) *
In general, what do you think other players in the community think about you? Do they respect you, hate you, and why do you believe this is so? (1+ paragraphs) *
Name one weakness that you have, and how it effects you. (1+ paragraphs) *
Name one strength that you have, and how it helps you. (1+ paragraphs) *
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