ActivExpression Post-Workshop Survey
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Name (optional)
How likely are you to use Promethean Planet in your classroom this year? *
Not likely
Very likely
How comfortable are you with using Promethean Planet to find resources for your classroom? *
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
How comfortable do you feel with registering new ActivExpression devices to the Activhub? *
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
How likely are you to use ActivExpression devices in your classroom to asses your students? *
Not likely
Very likely
How comfortable are you with creating original questions in ActivInspire? *
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
How comfortable are you with exporting data into Microsoft Excel? *
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
How comfortable are you with analyzing data in the Microsoft Excel sheets? *
Not comfortable
Very comfortable
Please descirbe any suggestions for improvement. *
Do you have any concerns regarding Promethean Planet and ActivExpression that you feel was not addressed in person? If so, please describe below.   *
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