Pennies from Heaven and other Magical Powers of Jupiter is Sagittarius Registration Form
Please fill out the form in its entirety, and message me if you have any questions. Looking forward to playing with you!

“So when you hear it thunder, don't run under a tree. There'll be pennies from heaven for you and me.” Pennies from Heaven was written by Bing Crosby in 1936 when, you guessed it, Jupiter was in Sagittarius.

Renowned for his magnanimous influence, Jupiter, the Greater Benefic, is at home in Sagittarius, a sign of his rulership. When a planet is at home, they have everything they need to do what they do with preeminence and for Jupiter this mean that his power to grant good fortune is at an all time high. Time to get while the getting is good. Jupiter, Jove, or Zeus is the begetter of all, bringing expansion and integration. In the sign of Sagittarius, the centaur, Jove brings both party and philosophy.

In this course we will delve into the astrology of Jupiter in Sagittarius in general, and I will offer insights what this Jupiter transit will entail for your natal chart in a personalised video. As my interest is also in giving practical insight and application, we will also explore a multitude of magical practices that can be used to get the very most of this year of Jupiter in Sagittarius. As the song says, “You'll find your fortune fallin' all over town. Be sure that your umbrella is upside down.”

Delivery: The course videos and materials will be sent to you on Thursday, November 22nd, or, if you register after this date, they will be sent immediately upon processing your registration. Please give one week from registration for your personal natal chart video. All course content will be accessible via Google Drive links. As such, you will need access to the internet to download materials, but you will not require a Gmail account.

Course fee: $25 (US), or equivalent.

To enrol, please fill out the following registration form.

If you have any question, please e-mail me at, or message me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
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Your time of birth (24-hour- or indicate am/pm) *
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Please send payments to via PayPal.

Course fee: $25 (US), or equivalent.
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