Application to Rent Home from Ritas Rentals
All adults 18 and older must be specified as applicants

Please email 2 recent paystubs and all pages of your credit report to  

Please use or for your credit report.

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Primary Applicant - Email Address
The Primary Application should be the head of household income earner.  The lease will be created in the name of the primary applicant.
Primary Applicant - First, Middle Name, Last Name
Primary Applicant - Birth Date
Primary Applicant - Cell Phone Number
Primary Applicant - Social Security #
We need at least the last 4 digits to validate your application.  Your full social security number will be needed at the time of signing the application.
Primary Applicant - Drivers License #
Additional Applicant (#2) - First, Middle Name, Last Name
Additional Applicant (#2) - Birth Date
Additional Applicant (#2) - Cell Phone Number
Additional Applicant (#2) - Social Security #
Additional Applicant (#2) - Driver's License #
Additional Applicant (#3) - First, Middle Name, Last Name
Additional Applicant (#3) - Birth Date
Additional Applicant (#3) - Cell Phone Number
Additional Applicant (#3) - Social Security #
Additional Applicant (#3) - Driver's License #
Occupant Under 18 (#1) Name, Birth Date, Relationship to Applicant
Occupant Under 18 (#2) Name, Birth Date, Relationship to Applicant
Occupant Under 18 (#3) Name, Birth Date, Relationship to Applicant
Occupant Under 18 (#4) Name, Birth Date, Relationship to Applicant
Pet (#1) Name, Breed
Pet (#2) Name, Breed
Current Residence #1 - Address, City, State, Zip
Current Residence #1 - Move  In Date
Current Residence #1 - Move  Out Date
Current Residence #1 - Owner Name and Phone #
Current Residence #1 - Reason for Leaving
Current Residence #1 - Is Rent Paid In Full
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Current Residence #1 - Rent Amount
Current Residence #1 - Did You Give Notice
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Previous Residence #2 - Address, City, State, Zip
Previous Residence #2 - Move  In Date
Previous Residence #2 - Move  Out Date
Previous Residence #2 - Owner Name and Phone #
Previous Residence #2 - Reason for Leaving
Previous Residence #2 - Is Rent Paid In Full
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Previous Residence #2 - Rent Amount
Previous Residence #2 - Did You Give Notice
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Previous Residence #3 - Address, City, State, Zip
Previous Residence #3 - Move  In Date
Previous Residence #3 - Move  Out Date
Previous Residence #3 - Owner Name and Phone #
Previous Residence #3 - Reason for Leaving
Previous Residence #3 - Is Rent Paid In Full
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Previous Residence #3 - Rent Amount
Previous Residence #3 - Did You Give Notice
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Current Employer Company Name, Address, Phone #, Supervisor
Current Employer Occupation
Current Employer Monthly Gross Pay
Current Employer Months on Job
Previous  Employer Company Name, Address, Phone #, Supervisor
Previous Employer Occupation
Previous Employer Monthly Gross Pay
Previous Employer Months on Job
Vehicle #1  Year, Make Model, Mileage Estimate, Monthly Payment
Vehicle #2  Year, Make Model, Mileage Estimate, Monthly Payment
Vehicle #3  Year, Make Model, Mileage Estimate, Monthly Payment
Emergency Contact - Doctor Name and Phone Number
Emergency Contact - Relative Name and Phone Number
Have you ever been served a late rent notice?
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Have you ever been served an eviction notice?
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Have you ever filed for bankruptcy?
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Have you ever requested for rent relief for any reason?
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Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
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Do any of the people living in the house smoke?
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Have you or any of the applicants ever been party to a lawsuit?  If yes, please explain why
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Is there anything negative in our credit/criminal background that you want to comment on?
How long do you think you would be renting from us?
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Have you had any recurring problems with your current residence?  If so, please explain
Why are you moving?
List any additional verifiable sources of income
If you were to run into financial difficult and couldn't pay the rent, do you know someone that would loan you the money?  If so, please provide the person's name, address, and phone number so that we can use them as a reference for you
Will you be able to enroll in auto-payment through Zelle Pay?
Zelle Pay is a network of banks that enable electronic payment from your phone or computer.  This allows rent payment to happen even when banks and businesses are closed.  Most banks participate in Zelle Pay, the full list of banks is here 
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