Scientific Revolution and the Age of Enlightenment
Politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment. Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, in France and throughout Europe questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change. The Enlightenment produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars and revolutions. (

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When it was first theorized that the earth is not the center of the universe? *
What book is known for starting the Scientific Revolution? *
Newton’s Laws were publish in Isaac Newton’s book ‘Principia.’ In what year was the book published? *
Write a paragraph describing how the Age of Enlightenment helped the world? *
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