UMBC Robotics, Spring 2018: Introductory survey
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Last name: *
As it appears on the class roster/UMBC directory
First name: *
As it appears on the class roster/UMBC directory
What do you prefer to be called? *
What is your standing? *
What department are you in? *
Academic integrity
More about you
How would you describe your comfort with outspoken participation?
This will help me gauge how to handle class participation options; there are no wrong answers.
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What excites you most / is most interesting about robotics? *
If you had to choose, how would you rank these topics in order of interest? *
Most interested
Second choice
Second least interest
Least interested
Hardware / building robots
Machine learning and autonomy
Vision and sensing
Robot interactions with people
How much experience do you have with the following? *
Some experience/working knowledge
Only limited experience
No experience
Building robots
Working with hardware
Machine learning
Computer vision
About the class
What are you most looking forward to about this class?
Please add a sentence or two; more is fine.
What are you most worried about?
Preferred teammates
Please enter the names of anyone in the class you'd like to work with; I will take it into account as much as possible.
Anything else I should know? (optional)
Examples: Preferred gender expression and pronouns? Employment that may overlap with class requirements? Service member status that may overlap with class time? Basically anything not covered here that you want to bring up.
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