General Application
The Advice Column is currently in the process of creating a blog. We are looking for motivated and passionate people who are willing to be a part of the team once the blog is up and running. If interested, please apply below.

This application is the first stage to the application process for joining the Advice Column team if you wish to be an advisor.

You are required to be at least sixteen-years-old to be part of the Advice Column team.
Email *
General Information
Provide your FIRST name ONLY. *
The name you provide does NOT have to be your real name. Note: We do NOT accept any last names whether real or not.
Provide your Wattpad username below. *
We will NOT contact you via Wattpad but rather via email.
What is your sex? *
We must know so we can know how to refer to you.
Are you fluent in English? *
How strong is your English grammar? Rate yourself. *
ALL members must know the English language reasonably, especially advisors and editors. When dealing with grammar, advisors must be at an average-level while editors must be at an advanced level.
Why do you want to be part of The Advice Column team? *
In an average week, how many days are you usually free? *
There are times when you will be expected to work on weekdays. How do you feel about that? *
In an average week, how many days are you online on Wattpad? *
On a scale of 1—10, how organized are you? *
I'm a total mess
I am an organization-freak
How well can you follow guidelines? Please explain your answer in detail. *
How well can you commit to deadlines? Please explain your answer in detail. *
Do you believe in following up with people after completing important matters such as interviews, projects, or presentations? Please explain your answer in detail. *
Can you manage to work in a team, or do you prefer to work alone? *
The Emotional Connection of Humans
Below is a picture that explains pity, sympathy, empathy, and compassion from a psychological perspective.
Can you easily sympathize with other people (if not empathize)? Rate yourself. *
There are many misconceptions about sympathy and empathy, so above is a picture that explains the two very simply yet very effectively. Answer this question based on the photo above.
Are you a good problem-solver when it comes to life problems? Give a small explanation along with a time you solved a difficult problem in your life. *
Are you willing to accept the fact that you must follow orders (such as tasks) given to you once you are part of The Advice Column Team? *
Scenario Questions
Scenario #1: You notice that the director of the Advice Column, Avalon, is being unfair toward team members. What do you do? *
Scenario #2: You notice that other team members are careless and are not completing their duties. Who do you inform? *
Scenario #3: You have a specific supervisor in charge of you, but you do not like them for a personal reason. Would you still listen to their orders? *
Scenario #4: You do not contribute to the team as much as you should, so you are warned by either a supervisor or the president. What is your response? *
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