Ability Awareness Volunteer Sign Up
Ability Awareness Week is January 3rd-6th.  This powerful and impactful week will help Covington students grow empathy and compassion for those with physical and learning challenges.  Through a series of experiential activities, students get a sense of what it is like to experience challenges.  Reflective discussions after each activity help students understand that we all face challenges and empathy is sparked- for ALL students.  

As a grade level, students will be in  the multi and room 32 on set days and times to experience activities that expose them to the challenges of having a visual processing disorder, a physical handicap, attention issues, and others.   Tentatively, here is the schedule: Jan. 4- 10:30-noon- 2nd Grade, 1:00-2:45- 4th Grade.   Jan. 5- 10:30-noon- 1st Grade, 1:00-2:45- 3rd Grade.  Jan. 6th- 10:30-noon- 5th Grade, 1:00-2:45- 6th Grade

This incredible experience can only take place through the use of parent volunteers.  We are still looking for a few parents to help out.  A quick training is provided on Tuesday, Dec. 13th at either 8:45am or 7:00pm.    Please fill out the form if you can assist us!
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