Tai Chi Chu'an Interest
I, Erin Tracy of Empower Wellness, would like to offer an Intro to Tai Chi series of lessons this fall.  I have been studying Tai Chi since Fall 2013 with Vincent Chu, Paul Fraser, and Dimitri Mougdis.  I will be teaching the first half of Level I Pangu Tai Chi (Returning Form Tai Chi).  I aim to offer class 1-2 times a week for 7 weeks.  There will be a nominal cost associated with these classes to cover the space rental and for student consideration/commitment.  I have been working diligently to prepare to share this with others.  I am very exciting about introducing Pangu Tai Chi to those interested.  

Benefits of Return Tai Chi Form (Pangu Tai Chi): This Tai Chi, like other Tai Chi forms, works on the fundamentals for physical fitness and martial abilities such as agility, balance, coordination, and opening the body’s joints by stretching the ligaments, tendons, and muscle groups.  In addition and most important for this introductory series, Return Tai Chi form has two unique features.  First, this form harnesses the Qi of the universe in order for it to improve the body’s physiological condition, including the immune system; and, second, an emphasis on exercising the lower body – while not neglecting the upper torso – to improve blood circulation, thus making it easier for the blood to return to the heart.  
-Taken from one of my teacher's (Dimitri Mougdis) website about Return Tai Chi Form.

Basically for this series, we are introducing some beginning concepts of a routine that was originally a martial application of Qi Gong (energy cultivation).  We aren't doing anything difficult or using martial applications in this class.  Tai Chi strengthens and protects the joints - working gently with the ligaments, tendons, and muscles. The added benefit of this form is the support for your organs as well.  We will take it easy in this class; it will not be intense or require a lot of endurance.  However, it is best to already have a regular movement routine (like walking or gardening) since we will be on our feet for 45 minutes.  Of course, you may sit as needed.

Thanks for your time on this short survey.

Contact me with questions: erin@empowerwellness.com

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How interested are you learning Return Tai Chi form (Pangu Tai Chi) for health and wellness?
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I am hoping to offer one evening and one morning class a week. Ideally, you attend once a week to build on previous weeks' instruction. You may attend twice a week if you like. The fee would be around $60 for 7 weeks of instruction.
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For morning options, please select the days of the week you are available in the 9-11am window of time.
For the evening options, please check all that you could attend.
I understand that this survey is just a survey and the actual plans for the Introductory Series might differ.  I also understand that these classes will be offered in Raleigh, NC.
Is there anything else you would like to tell me about your interest? If you want an answer, please email me directly at erin@empowerwellness.com . I won't know who the surveys are from.
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