Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris
Soal-soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 Sekolah Dasar (bagian 1)
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… is for writing. *
5 Punkte
There is … pencil. *
5 Punkte
I’m thirsty. I need …. glass of water. *
5 Punkte
 There … three pens in the pencil box. *
5 Punkte
It is eight o’clock in the morning. We say …. *
5 Punkte
Twelve + Eighteen = …. *
5 Punkte
Dina takes a bath in the …. *
5 Punkte
I wear … to school. *
5 Punkte
Fifteen, sixteen,…. *
5 Punkte
I use …. In the rainy season. *
5 Punkte
I sit on the…. *
5 Punkte
42 *
5 Punkte
 There is a stove in the … *
5 Punkte
Mrs. Julie : “Good afternoon students!” Students   :”……… teacher.” *
5 Punkte
There is a … in the kitchen. (pisau) *
5 Punkte
 …. three books. *
5 Punkte
I wear … in my sweet finger. *
5 Punkte
I have … apple. *
5 Punkte
Fifty six = …. *
5 Punkte
Dian :”Hello!”             Rani :”….” *
5 Punkte
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