Invitation To Try The Storiyoh App
Welcome to the Storiyoh Closed Beta Group! You will be among the first cohort of users to try and test the Storiyoh app! Please read below to get an overview of what this is all about.  

We love podcasts and the spoken word and Storiyoh is a new way to discover, listen to, curate and share your favourite podcast shows and episodes.

Media and communication, in all its guises - audio or video, pictures or texts, movies or music, short-form or long-form, blogs or books, digital or analog - is as much about a collective, connected experience as it is about the content. Imagine reading books, listening to music or watching movies without any connection to the outside world. How would that feel? We would end up in a bubble and will never know what others think about the same things we are consuming. We may not see an alternative viewpoint. Regardless of the medium, we want to feel connected to not only the art but also to the artist and to other art lovers. After all, the word communication comes from the Latin word ‘communicare’ which means ‘to share’. It is the shared, common, collective experiences that make media a powerful tool for deliberation and change.

Podcasts constitute a relatively new medium, but it has already reached hundreds of millions of people. The on-demand nature of podcasts and the relatively low barriers to content creation make it a medium with potential to reach billions of people. However, podcast creation, distribution and consumption are all isolated and fragmented experiences right now. Listening to podcasts needn't be an isolated experience and it can be more fun with your friends around. We are on a mission to simplify it, unify it, and make it a socially meaningful experience for everyone. We want to build a new community for people who love the spoken word; a community of creators and listeners. For us, such a community is what is most important, and we will use technology to create, manage and to help it thrive. In doing so we are, however, steadfast in our commitment to certain principles, and you can read about them here

The Storiyoh experience will come in three flavours: an iOS app, an Android app (learn more about some of the features here: and a companion website @ Please do visit to listen to a lot of podcast episodes, and be sure to check out our collections here to find something more to your taste!

In the next couple of weeks, we will be ready for a closed group beta testing phase. During this phase we will be rolling out our iOS and Android app to a small group of invited users to collect feedback so that we can improve our initial build. I personally invite you to join this group and give us your honest and constructive feedback. To join the first cohort of users and for us to be able to send you a private version of the apps, please leave your details below. I assure you that your details will not be shared with anyone else. I will notify you closer to the release day.

Many thanks and much appreciated.


Founder & CEO

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