Information Quest!
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1a. What THREE planets are made mostly of igneous rock?
1b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
2a. Why is a giraffe's tongue dark blue?
2b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
3a. What is the birthstone for October?
3b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
4a. Where does the three-toed sloth live?
4b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
5a. What three things can be found inside your stomach?
5b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
6a. Name ONE food that gives our bodies Vitamin K:
6b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
7a. What is the state mammal of North Carolina?
7b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
8a. When was the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial added to the National Mall?
8b. What did you use to help you find this information (check ALL the features you used)?
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