Kealapono Survey Questions SY1718 Form
Aloha kākou! In order to better support your technology integration needs, we (Kaulana and Bhonna) are seeking your thoughts and opinions through the following survey. The results of this survey will only be seen by Kealapono central office, administrative staff and instructional support personnel. This survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
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1. What technologies are you currently utilizing? (e.g. ipads, Mac laptop, PC laptop, elmo, smartboard)
2. What technologies do you currently have access to? (e.g. ipads, laptops, elmo, smartboard. For laptops, Mac or PC?)        
3. What online tools are you currently using? (e.g. Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Slides, Canva, Symbaloo, Wordpress, Padlet)
4. Do students have access to laptops, iPads, or other devices? If so, which devices? (Type N/A if you do not work with students)
5. What types of apps, programs, or online tools do the students use for your class? (Type N/A if you do not work with students)  
6. What area of technology proficiency are you interested in growing in? (e.g. online presentations and tools for interactivity, website design, digital storytelling, online collaboration, classroom technology integration, productivity)
7. Are there any specific online tools or computer programs you would like to learn more about? (e.g. Excel, PowerPoint)
8. What ohana kikoʻi/subject area do you support? (e.g. Writing, Reading, ES&D)
9. Do you have any other questions, thoughts, concerns, or comments that you would like us to know to better understand how we can support you?
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