2.1 - Organic molecules & 3.1 - The digestive system quiz
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2.1 - Organic molecules
1. What is an organic compound?
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2. Explain in at least 2 sentences why life could not exist without organic compounds
3. What is a carbohydrate?
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4. Explain in at least 2 sentences the function of carbohydrates (simple or complex), and give the name of a simple sugar that humans uses for immediate energy.
5. What is a lipid?
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6. Explain in at least 2 sentences the function of lipids in organisms
7. What is a protein?
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8. Explain in at least 2 sentences the function of proteins in organisms
3.1 - The digestive system
1) The gastrointestinal tract is a long tube that includes
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2) What is the main goal of digestion?
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3) Which of the following statements most accurately compares mechanical vs. chemical digestion
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4) In your mouth,
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5) The stomach
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6) What is the most important role of the small intestine?
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7) What is the most important role of the large intestine?
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8) Macro-nutrients:
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9) Absorption is the process in which nutrients pass into the bloodstream, where they can circulate throughout the body.
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10) Imagine you just took a bite of a delicious apple (mmmmm... apples...). In at least 5 sentences, explain what will happen to the apple chunk as it passes through the digestive system of your body. Be sure to include the terms: mechanical digestion, chemical digestion, enzyme, amylase, and absorption.
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