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Read and listen to the text about monkeys and music. Then find the information that follows in the text.
1 The kind of human music that did not seem to affect the monkeys' behaviour.
2 the kind of human music that seemed to affect the monkeys' behaviour.
3 the profession of Charles Snowdon
4 the profession of David Teie
5 the length of time that each 'monkey song' lasted
6 the length of time that the monkeys heard the songs
7 one reaction of the monkeys when they heard fast 'monkey songs' with a strong beat.
8 one reaction of the monkeys when they heard slower 'monkey songs' .
Complete the sentences according to information in the text.
1 It is a well-known fact that people have got different emotional responses to ...
2 Snowdon wanted to see the monkeys' reactions to music based on...
3 Teie used the sounds recorded by Snowdon to ....
4 'Here is food' is given as an example of ....
5 Scientists now believe that monkeys use sound both to ...
Maybe monkeys aren't keen on hip hop musci but many humans like it and even combine it with Shakespeare's plays! Listen to four students discussing a performance given by the Hip Hop Shakespeare Company (THSC), which combines hip hop and theatre.
1 What aspects of the plays did Jack like?
2 Did Jack enjoy the performance by the Hip Hop Shakespeare Company?
3 Who tried guessing if the quotations in the quiz were lines from Shakespeare plays or not?
4 What play does Louisa mention?
5 Does Toby mention a reason why students study Shakespeare?
6 How is Toby's class going to study 'Beowulf'?
7 Which play does Jessie think would be a good choice for her performance?
8 What does Jessie plan to create on her own?
1 At first, Jack wasn't interested in ....
2 Louisa's favourite part was the ..., not the performance.
3 Toby will see 'Beowulf' in about ... time.
4 Jessie is optimistic about getting the opportunity to ... with the Hip Hop Shakespeare Company.
What types of music and plays do you like? Explain.
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